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by no means do we acknowledge him to be God

  • 1 játta

    (að, or -tta, -ttr), v.
    1) to say yes to, with dat. (þessu játar or játir hann);
    2) to acknowledge, admit (erkibiskup hafði því játat, at);
    3) to consent; mun ek þessu j. fyrir mik ok mína heimamenn, I will agree to this for myself and my household; j. e-u undan sér, j. e-u upp, to yield up;
    4) to promise (konungr játaði þeim griðum ok sættum);
    5) with acc. of the thing, to acknowledge (j. syndir); to grant, give (játtuðu allir þér konungdóm); with acc. of the person; fyr engan mun játum vér hann guð, by no means do we acknowledge him to be God; j. sik, to confess oneself; j. sik undir e-t, to engage oneself;
    6) refl., játast undir e-t, játast til e-s, = játa sik undir e-t.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > játta

  • 2 conceder

    1 to grant.
    me concedió un deseo he granted me a wish
    le concedí el beneficio de la duda I gave him the benefit of the doubt
    no concede entrevistas she doesn't give interviews
    ¿me concede cinco minutos? could you give o spare me five minutes?
    2 to admit, to concede.
    3 to give.
    4 to allow to.
    * * *
    1 (otorgar) to grant, concede; (premio) to award
    2 (atribuir) to give, attach
    3 (oportunidad, tiempo) to give
    4 (admitir) to concede, admit
    * * *
    1) to award, grant
    2) concede, admit
    * * *
    1) (=dar) [+ beca, premio] to award, grant; [+ crédito, permiso, deseo, entrevista] to grant

    ¿me concede el honor de este baile? — may I have the pleasure of this dance?

    2) frm (=admitir) to concede, admit

    concedo que el error fue míoI concede o admit it was my mistake

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <premio/beca> to give, award; <descuento/préstamo> to give, grant (frml); <privilegio/favor/permiso> to grant

    ¿me podría conceder unos minutos? — could you spare me a few minutes?

    b) <importancia/valor> to give
    2) (admitir, reconocer) to admit, acknowledge, concede
    * * *
    = award, confer (on/upon), grant, vest, cede, bestow, dispense.
    Ex. In recognition of his impact on cataloging, in 1974 he was awarded the Margaret Mann Citation and, in 1978, the Melvil Dewey Medal.
    Ex. Lastly, he was the 1971 recipient of the Melvil Dewey Medal, which was conferred upon him for creative professional achievement of a high order.
    Ex. In the majority of cases, the indexer is granted considerable freedom of choice as to the citation order he adopts in the construction of compound class numbers.
    Ex. This responsibility is vested in the Central Classification Committees of the member countries.
    Ex. We see this most clearly in the United Kingdom right now, as the Westminster government cedes authority both to the European Union and to a new parliament in Scotland.
    Ex. God offers penitents redemption but also bestows His 'common grace' on all.
    Ex. This paper describes the role of the federal government in dispensing aid to public libraries as part of the combat against the Great Depression of the 1930s.
    * conceder aumento salarial = award + salary increase.
    * conceder beca = grant + scholarship.
    * conceder cierta autoridad sobre = give + Nombre + a say in.
    * conceder comisión de servicios = second.
    * conceder diploma = grant + diploma.
    * conceder el derecho al voto = enfranchise.
    * conceder el honor = accord + honour.
    * conceder en franquicia = franchise.
    * conceder facultades = endow with + powers.
    * conceder importancia = accord + significance level, attach + importance, place + importance.
    * conceder licencia = grant + license.
    * conceder licencia de comercialización = license [licence, -USA].
    * conceder mucha importancia a = lay + great store on.
    * conceder permiso = give + permission, grant + permission, grant + Alguien + leave.
    * conceder poderes = give + powers.
    * conceder potestad = confer + mandate.
    * conceder una licencia = issue + licence.
    * conceder una oportunidad = grant + opportunity.
    * conceder una petición = grant + request.
    * conceder un contrato = award + contract.
    * conceder un favor = bestow + favour.
    * conceder un premio = give + an award, grant + an award.
    * conceder un préstamo = grant + loan.
    * conceder un título = bestow + title.
    * privilegio concedido por el dinero = moneyed privilege.
    * que concede becas = grant-making.
    * que concede subsidios = grant-making.
    * que se concede en función de las necesidades económicas = means-tested.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <premio/beca> to give, award; <descuento/préstamo> to give, grant (frml); <privilegio/favor/permiso> to grant

    ¿me podría conceder unos minutos? — could you spare me a few minutes?

    b) <importancia/valor> to give
    2) (admitir, reconocer) to admit, acknowledge, concede
    * * *
    = award, confer (on/upon), grant, vest, cede, bestow, dispense.

    Ex: In recognition of his impact on cataloging, in 1974 he was awarded the Margaret Mann Citation and, in 1978, the Melvil Dewey Medal.

    Ex: Lastly, he was the 1971 recipient of the Melvil Dewey Medal, which was conferred upon him for creative professional achievement of a high order.
    Ex: In the majority of cases, the indexer is granted considerable freedom of choice as to the citation order he adopts in the construction of compound class numbers.
    Ex: This responsibility is vested in the Central Classification Committees of the member countries.
    Ex: We see this most clearly in the United Kingdom right now, as the Westminster government cedes authority both to the European Union and to a new parliament in Scotland.
    Ex: God offers penitents redemption but also bestows His 'common grace' on all.
    Ex: This paper describes the role of the federal government in dispensing aid to public libraries as part of the combat against the Great Depression of the 1930s.
    * conceder aumento salarial = award + salary increase.
    * conceder beca = grant + scholarship.
    * conceder cierta autoridad sobre = give + Nombre + a say in.
    * conceder comisión de servicios = second.
    * conceder diploma = grant + diploma.
    * conceder el derecho al voto = enfranchise.
    * conceder el honor = accord + honour.
    * conceder en franquicia = franchise.
    * conceder facultades = endow with + powers.
    * conceder importancia = accord + significance level, attach + importance, place + importance.
    * conceder licencia = grant + license.
    * conceder licencia de comercialización = license [licence, -USA].
    * conceder mucha importancia a = lay + great store on.
    * conceder permiso = give + permission, grant + permission, grant + Alguien + leave.
    * conceder poderes = give + powers.
    * conceder potestad = confer + mandate.
    * conceder una licencia = issue + licence.
    * conceder una oportunidad = grant + opportunity.
    * conceder una petición = grant + request.
    * conceder un contrato = award + contract.
    * conceder un favor = bestow + favour.
    * conceder un premio = give + an award, grant + an award.
    * conceder un préstamo = grant + loan.
    * conceder un título = bestow + title.
    * privilegio concedido por el dinero = moneyed privilege.
    * que concede becas = grant-making.
    * que concede subsidios = grant-making.
    * que se concede en función de las necesidades económicas = means-tested.

    * * *
    conceder [E1 ]
    1 ‹premio/beca› to give, award; ‹descuento/préstamo› to give, grant ( frml); ‹privilegio/favor› to grant
    los jueces concedieron el triunfo al irlandés the judges awarded victory to the Irishman, the judges pronounced the Irishman the winner
    abuchearon al árbitro por no conceder el penalty the referee was booed for not giving o awarding the penalty
    sin conceder un solo tanto without conceding a single point
    me concedieron permiso they gave me permission
    el honor que me concedieron the honor they conferred o bestowed on me
    nos concedió una entrevista she agreed to give us an interview o to being interviewed by us
    terminó por concederle la razón a su contrincante he ended up admitting o conceding that his opponent was right
    ¿me podría conceder unos minutos de su tiempo? could you spare me a few minutes of your time?
    2 ‹importancia/valor› to give
    no le concedió demasiada importancia she did not give it too much importance o attach too much importance to it
    B (admitir, reconocer) to admit, acknowledge, concede
    tuvo que conceder que se había equivocado he had to admit o concede o acknowledge that he was wrong
    * * *


    conceder ( conjugate conceder) verbo transitivo
    a)premio/beca to give, award;

    descuento/préstamo to give;
    privilegio/favor/permiso to grant;

    ¿me podría conceder unos minutos? could you spare me a few minutes?
    b)importancia/valor to give

    2 (admitir, reconocer) to admit, acknowledge
    conceder verbo transitivo
    1 (admitir) to admit, concede
    2 (un deseo, préstamo) to grant
    (un premio, una beca) to award
    3 frml (tiempo, atención) si me concede un minuto, if you can spare me a moment
    4 (importancia) to give
    conceder valor a algo, to attach value to something
    ' conceder' also found in these entries:
    - dar
    - dotar
    - merced
    - negar
    - premio
    - award
    - begrudge
    - bestow
    - concede
    - grant
    - confer
    - devolve
    - dispense
    - give
    - knight
    - shut
    - straight
    * * *
    1. [dar] to grant;
    [premio] to award; [beca] to give, to award; [préstamo, subvención] to give, to grant; [asilo, indulto, extradición] to grant;
    le concedí el beneficio de la duda I gave him the benefit of the doubt;
    me concedió un deseo he granted me a wish;
    no concede entrevistas she doesn't give interviews;
    ¿me concede cinco minutos? could you give o spare me five minutes?;
    le han concedido un permiso para acudir al congreso he's been given o granted permission to attend the conference
    2. [asentir] to admit, to concede;
    concedo que están en lo cierto I admit that you're right
    3. [atribuir] [importancia] to give, to attach;
    no concede ningún valor al dinero money doesn't matter to her at all
    * * *
    v/t concede; entrevista, permiso give; premio award; importancia attach
    * * *
    1) : to grant, to bestow
    2) : to concede, to admit
    * * *
    1. (en general) to give [pt. gave; pp. given] / to grant
    2. (beca, premio) to award
    3. (reconocer) to admit [pt. & pp. admitted] / to acknowledge

    Spanish-English dictionary > conceder

  • 3 ἐν

    ἐν prep. w. dat. (Hom.+). For lit. s. ἀνά and εἰς, beg. For special NT uses s. AOepke, TW II 534–39. The uses of this prep. are so many and various, and oft. so easily confused, that a strictly systematic treatment is impossible. It must suffice to list the main categories, which will help establish the usage in individual cases. The earliest auditors/readers, not being inconvenienced by grammatical and lexical debates, would readily absorb the context and experience little difficulty.
    marker of a position defined as being in a location, in, among (the basic idea, Rob. 586f)
    of the space or place within which someth. is found, in: ἐν τῇ πόλει Lk 7:37. ἐν Βηθλέεμ Mt 2:1. ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ 3:1 (Just., D. 19, 5, cp. A I, 12, 6 ἐν ἐρημίᾳ) ἐν τῷ ἱερῷ Ac 5:42. ἐν οἴκῳ 1 Ti 3:15 and very oft. ἐν τοῖς τοῦ πατρός μου in my Father’s house Lk 2:49 and perh. Mt 20:15 (cp. Jos., Ant. 16, 302, C. Ap. 1, 118 ἐν τοῖς τοῦ Διός; PTebt 12, 3; POxy 523, 3; Tob 6:11 S; Goodsp., Probs. 81–83). ἐν τῇ ἀγορᾷ Mt 20:3. ἐν (τῷ) οὐρανῷ in heaven (Arat., Phaen. 10; Diod S 4, 61, 6; Plut., Mor. 359d τὰς ψυχὰς ἐν οὐρανῷ λάμπειν ἄστρα; Tat. 12, 2 τὰ ἄστρα τὰ ἐν αὐτῷ) Ac 2:19 (Jo 3:3); Rv 12:1; IEph 19:2.—W. quotations and accounts of the subject matter of literary works: in (Ps.-Demetr. c. 226 ὡς ἐν τῷ Εὐθυδήμῳ; Simplicius in Epict. p. 28, 37 ἐν τῷ Φαίδωνι; Ammon. Hermiae in Aristot. De Interpret. c. 9 p. 136, 20 Busse ἐν Τιμαίῳ παρειλήφαμεν=we have received as a tradition; 2 Macc 2:4; 1 Esdr 1:40; 5:48; Sir 50:27; Just., A I, 60, 1 ἐν τῷ παρὰ Πλάτωνι Τιμαίῳ) ἐν τῇ ἐπιστολῇ 1 Cor 5:9. ἐν τῷ νόμῳ Lk 24:44; J 1:45. ἐν τοῖς προφήταις Ac 13:40. ἐν Ἠλίᾳ in the story of Elijah Ro 11:2 (Just., D. 120, 3 ἐν τῷ Ἰούδα). ἐν τῷ Ὡσηέ 9:25 (Just., D. 44, 2 ἐν τῷ Ἰεζεκιήλ). ἐν Δαυίδ in the Psalter ( by David is also prob.: s. 6) Hb 4:7. ἐν ἑτέρῳ προφήτῃ in another prophet B 6:14. Of inner life φανεροῦσθαι ἐν ταῖς συνειδήσεσι be made known to (your) consciences 2 Cor 5:11. ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ Mt 5:28; 13:19; 2 Cor 11:12 et al.
    on ἐν τῷ ὄρει (X., An. 4, 3, 31; Diod S 14, 16, 2 λόφος ἐν ᾧ=a hill on which; Jos., Ant. 12, 259; Just., D. 67, 9 ἐν ὄρει Χωρήβ) J 4:20f; Hb 8:5 (Ex 25:40). ἐν τῇ ἀγορᾷ in the market Mt 20:3. ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ on the way Mt 5:25. ἐν πλαξίν on tablets 2 Cor 3:3. ἐν ταῖς γωνίαις τῶν πλατειῶν on the street corners Mt 6:5.
    within the range of, at, near (Soph., Fgm. 37 [34 N.2] ἐν παντὶ λίθῳ=near every stone; Artem. 4, 24 p. 217, 19 ἐν Τύρῳ=near Tyre; Polyaenus 8, 24, 7 ἐν τῇ νησῖδι=near the island; Diog. L. 1, 34; 85; 97 τὰ ἐν ποσίν=what is before one’s feet; Jos., Vi. 227 ἐν Χαβωλώ) ἐν τῷ γαζοφυλακείῳ (q.v.) J 8:20. ἐν τῷ Σιλωάμ near the pool of Siloam Lk 13:4. καθίζειν ἐν τῇ δεξιᾷ τινος sit at someone’s right hand (cp. 1 Esdr 4:29) Eph 1:20; Hb 1:3; 8:1.
    among, in (Hom.+; PTebt 58, 41 [111 B.C.]; Sir 16:6; 31:9; 1 Macc 4:58; 5:2; TestAbr B 9 p. 13, 27 [Stone p. 74]; Just., A I, 5, 4 ἐν βαρβάροις) ἐν τῇ γενεᾷ ταύτῃ in the generation now living Mk 8:38. ἐν τῷ γένει μου among my people Gal 1:14 (Just., D. 51, 1 al. ἐν τῷ γένει ὑμῶν). ἐν ἡμῖν Hb 13:26. ἐν τῷ ὄχλῳ in the crowd Mk 5:30 (cp. Sir 7:7). ἐν ἀλλήλοις mutually (Thu. 1, 24, 4; Just., D. 101, 3) Ro 1:12; 15:5. ἐν τοῖς ἡγεμόσιν (=among the commanding officers: Diod S 18, 61, 2; Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 21 §84) Ἰούδα Mt 2:6 et al. ἐν ἀνθρώποις among people (as Himerius, Or. 48 [14], 11; Just., A I, 23, 3, D. 64, 7) Lk 2:14; cp. Ac 4:12.
    before, in the presence of, etc. (cp. Od. 2, 194; Eur., Andr. 359; Pla., Leg. 9, 879b; Demosth. 24, 207; Polyb. 5, 39, 6; Epict. 3, 22, 8; Appian, Maced. 18 §2 ἐν τοῖς φίλοις=in the presence of his friends; Sir 19:8; Jdth 6:2; PPetr. II, 4 [6], 16 [255/254 B.C.] δινὸν γάρ ἐστιν ἐν ὄχλῳ ἀτιμάζεσθαι=before a crowd) σοφίαν λαλοῦμεν ἐν τοῖς τελείοις in the presence of mature (i.e. spiritually sophisticated) adults 1 Cor 2:6 (cp. Simplicius in Epict. p. 131, 20 λέγειν τὰ θεωρήματα ἐν ἰδιώταις). ἐν τ. ὠσὶν ὑμῶν in your hearing Lk 4:21 (cp. Judg 17:2; 4 Km 23:2; Bar 1:3f), where the words can go linguistically just as well w. πεπλήρωται as w. ἡ γραφὴ αὕτη (this passage of scripture read in your hearing). ἐν ὀφθαλμοῖς τινος in someone’s eyes, i.e. judgment (Wsd 3:2; Sir 8:16; Jdth 3:4; 12:14; 1 Macc 1:12) Mt 21:42 (Ps 117:23). ἔν τινι in the same mng. as early as Trag. (Soph., Oed. C. 1213 ἐν ἐμοί=in my judgment, Ant. 925 ἐν θεοῖς καλά; also Pla., Prot. 337b; 343c) ἐν ἐμοί 1 Cor 14:11; possibly J 3:21 (s. 4c below) and Jd 1 belong here.—In the ‘forensic’ sense ἔν τινι can mean in someone’s court or forum (Soph., Ant. 459; Pla., Gorg. 464d, Leg. 11, 916b; Ael. Aristid. 38, 3 K.=7 p. 71 D.; 46 p. 283, 334 D.; Diod S 19, 51, 4; Ps.-Heraclit., Ep. 4, 6; but in several of these pass. the mng. does not go significantly beyond ‘in the presence of’ [s. above]) ἐν ὑμῖν 1 Cor 6:2 ( by you is also tenable; s. 6 below).
    esp. to describe certain processes, inward: ἐν ἑαυτῷ to himself, i.e. in silence, διαλογίζεσθαι Mk 2:8; Lk 12:17; διαπορεῖν Ac 10:17; εἰδέναι J 6:61; λέγειν Mt 3:9; 9:21; Lk 7:49; εἰπεῖν 7:39 al.; ἐμβριμᾶσθαι J 11:38.
    marker of a state or condition, in
    of being clothed and metaphors assoc. with such condition in, with (Hdt. 2, 159; X., Mem. 3, 11, 4; Diod S 1, 12, 9; Herodian 2, 13, 3; Jdth 10:3; 1 Macc 6:35; 2 Macc 3:33) ἠμφιεσμένον ἐν μαλακοῖς dressed in soft clothes Mt 11:8. περιβάλλεσθαι ἐν ἱματίοις Rv 3:5; 4:4. ἔρχεσθαι ἐν ἐνδύμασι προβάτων come in sheep’s clothing Mt 7:15. περιπατεῖν ἐν στολαῖς walk about in long robes Mk 12:38 (Tat. 2, 1 ἐν πορφυρίδι περιπατῶν); cp. Ac 10:30; Mt 11:21; Lk 10:13. ἐν λευκοῖς in white (Artem. 2, 3; 4, 2 ἐν λευκοῖς προϊέναι; Epict. 3, 22, 1) J 20:12; Hv 4, 2, 1. Prob. corresp. ἐν σαρκί clothed in flesh (cp. Diod S 1, 12, 9 deities appear ἐν ζῴων μορφαῖς) 1 Ti 3:16; 1J 4:2; 2J 7. ἐν πάσῃ τῇ δόξῃ αὐτοῦ in all his glory Mt 6:29 (cp. 1 Macc 10:86). ἐν τ. δόξῃ τοῦ πατρός clothed in his Father’s glory 16:27; cp. 25:31; Mk 8:38; Lk 9:31.
    of other states and conditions (so freq. w. γίνομαι, εἰμί; Attic wr.; PPetr II, 11 [1], 8 [III B.C.] γράφε, ἵνα εἰδῶμεν ἐν οἷς εἶ; 39 [g], 16; UPZ 110, 176 [164 B.C.] et al.; LXX; Just., A I, 13, 2 πάλιν ἐν ἀφθαρσίᾳ γενέσθαι; 67, 6 τοῖς ἐν χρείᾳ οὖσι; Tat. 20, 1f οὐκ ἔστι γὰρ ἄπειρος ὁ οὐρανός, … πεπερασμένος δὲ καὶ ἐν τέρματι; Mel., HE 4, 26, 6 ἐν … λεηλασίᾳ ‘plundering’): ὑπάρχων ἐν βασάνοις Lk 16:23. ἐν τῷ θανάτῳ 1J 3:14. ἐν ζωῇ Ro 5:10. ἐν τοῖς δεσμοῖς Phlm 13 (Just., A II, 2, 11 ἐν δ. γενέσθαι). ἐν πειρασμοῖς 1 Pt 1:6; ἐν πολλοῖς ὢν ἀστοχήμασι AcPlCor 2:1. ἐν ὁμοιώματι σαρκός Ro 8:3. ἐν πολλῷ ἀγῶνι 1 Th 2:2. ἐν φθορᾷ in a state of corruptibility 1 Cor 15:42. ἐν ἑτοίμῳ ἔχειν 2 Cor 10:6 (cp. PEleph 10, 7 [223/222 B.C.] τ. λοιπῶν ἐν ἑτοίμῳ ὄντων; PGen 76, 8; 3 Macc 5:8); ἐν ἐκστάσει in a state of trance Ac 11:5 (opp. Just., D, 115, 3 ἐν καταστάσει ὤν). Of qualities: ἐν πίστει κ. ἀγάπῃ κ. ἁγιασμῷ 1 Ti 2:15; ἐν κακίᾳ καὶ φθόνῳ Tit 3:3; ἐν πανουργίᾳ 2 Cor 4:2; ἐν εὐσεβείᾳ καὶ σεμνότητι 1 Ti 2:2; ἐν τῇ ἀνοχῇ τοῦ θεοῦ Ro 3:26; ἐν μυστηρίῳ 1 Cor 2:7; ἐν δόξῃ Phil 4:19.
    marker of extension toward a goal that is understood to be within an area or condition, into: ἐν is somet. used w. verbs of motion where εἰς would normally be expected (Diod S 23, 8, 1 Ἄννων ἐπέρασε ἐν Σικελίᾳ; Hero I 142, 7; 182, 4; Paus. 7, 4, 3 διαβάντες ἐν τῇ Σάμῳ; Epict. 1, 11, 32; 2, 20, 33; Aelian, VH 4, 18; Vett. Val. 210, 26; 212, 6 al., s. index; Pel.-Leg. 1, 4; 5; 2, 1; PParis 10, 2 [145 B.C.] ἀνακεχώρηκεν ἐν Ἀλεξανδρείᾳ; POxy 294, 4; BGU 22, 13; Tob 5:5 BA; 1 Macc 10:43; TestAbr B 2 p. 106, 23=Stone p. 60 [s. on the LXX Thackeray 25]; πέμψον αὐτοὺς ἐν πολέμῳ En 10:9; TestAbr A 6 p. 83, 22 [Stone p. 14] δάκρυα … ἐν τῷ νιπτῆρι πίπτοντα): εἰσέρχεσθαι Lk 9:46; Rv 11:11; ἀπάγειν GJs 6:1; ἀνάγειν 7:1; εἰσάγειν 10:1; καταβαίνειν J 5:3 (4) v.l.; ἀναβαίνειν GJs 22:13; ἀπέρχεσθαι (Diod S 23, 18, 5) Hs 1:6; ἥκειν GJs 5:1; ἀποστέλλειν 25:1. To be understood otherwise: ἐξῆλθεν ὁ λόγος ἐν ὅλῃ τῇ Ἰουδαίᾳ the word went out = spread in all Judaea Lk 7:17; likew. 1 Th 1:8. The metaphorical expr. ἐπιστρέψαι ἀπειθεῖς ἐν φρονήσει δικαίων turn the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous Lk 1:17 is striking but consistent w. the basic sense of ἐν. S. also γίνομαι, δίδωμι, ἵστημι, καλέω, and τίθημι. ἐν μέσῳ among somet. answers to the question ‘whither’ (B-D-F §215, 3) Mt 10:16; Lk 10:3; 8:7.
    marker of close association within a limit, in
    fig., of pers., to indicate the state of being filled w. or gripped by someth.: in someone=in one’s innermost being ἐν αὐτῷ κατοικεῖ πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα in him dwells all the fullness Col 2:9. ἐν αὐτῷ ἐκτίσθη τὰ πάντα (prob. to be understood as local, not instrumental, since ἐν αὐ. would otherwise be identical w. διʼ αὐ. in the same vs.) everything was created in association with him 1:16 (cp. M. Ant. 4, 23 ἐν σοὶ πάντα; Herm. Wr. 5, 10; AFeuillet, NTS 12, ’65, 1–9). ἐν τῷ θεῷ κέκρυπται ἡ ζωὴ ὑμῶν your life is hid in God 3:3; cp. 2:3. Of sin in humans Ro 7:17f; cp. κατεργάζεσθαι vs. 8. Of Christ who, as a spiritual being, fills people so as to be in charge of their lives 8:10; 2 Cor 13:5, abides J 6:56, lives Gal 2:20, and takes form 4:19 in them. Of the divine word: οὐκ ἔστιν ἐν ἡμῖν 1J 1:10; μένειν ἔν τινι J 5:38; ἐνοικεῖν Col 3:16. Of God’s spirit: οἰκεῖν (ἐνοικεῖν) ἔν τινι Ro 8:9, 11; 1 Cor 3:16; 2 Ti 1:14. Of spiritual gifts 1 Ti 4:14; 2 Ti 1:6. Of miraculous powers ἐνεργεῖν ἔν τινι be at work in someone Mt 14:2; Mk 6:14; ποιεῖν ἔν τινι εὐάρεστον Hb 13:21. The same expr. of God or evil spirits, who somehow work in people: 1 Cor 12:6; Phil 2:13; Eph 2:2 al.
    of the whole, w. which the parts are closely joined: μένειν ἐν τῇ ἀμπέλῳ remain in the vine J 15:4. ἐν ἑνὶ σώματι μέλη πολλὰ ἔχομεν in one body we have many members Ro 12:4. κρέμασθαι ἔν τινι depend on someth. Mt 22:40.
    esp. in Paul. or Joh. usage, to designate a close personal relation in which the referent of the ἐν-term is viewed as the controlling influence: under the control of, under the influence of, in close association with (cp. ἐν τῷ Δαυιδ εἰμί 2 Km 19:44): of Christ εἶναι, μένειν ἐν τῷ πατρί (ἐν τῷ θεῷ) J 10:38; 14:10f (difft. CGordon, ‘In’ of Predication or Equivalence: JBL 100, ’81, 612f); and of Christians 1J 3:24; 4:13, 15f; be or abide in Christ J 14:20; 15:4f; μένειν ἐν τῷ υἱῷ καὶ ἐν τῷ πατρί 1J 2:24. ἔργα ἐν θεῷ εἰργασμένα done in communion with God J 3:21 (but s. 1e above).—In Paul the relation of the individual to Christ is very oft. expressed by such phrases as ἐν Χριστῷ, ἐν κυρίῳ etc., also vice versa (FNeugebauer, NTS 4, ’57/58, 124–38; AWedderburn, JSNT 25, ’85, 83–97) ἐν ἐμοὶ Χριστός Gal 2:20, but here in the sense of a above.—See, e.g., Dssm., D. ntl. Formel ‘in Christo Jesu’ 1892; EWeber, D. Formel ‘in Chr. Jesu’ u. d. paul. Christusmystik: NKZ 31, 1920, 213ff; LBrun, Zur Formel ‘in Chr. Jesus’ im Phil: Symbolae Arctoae 1, 1922, 19–37; MHansen, Omkring Paulus-Formeln ‘i Kristus’: TK 4/10, 1929, 135–59; HBöhlig, ʼΕν κυρίῳ: GHeinrici Festschr. 1914, 170–75; OSchmitz, D. Christusgemeinschaft d. Pls2 ’56; AWikenhauser, D. Christusmystik d. Pls2 ’56; KMittring, Heilswirklichkeit b. Pls; Beitrag z. Verständnis der unio cum Christo in d. Plsbriefen 1929; ASchweitzer, D. Mystik d. Ap. Pls 1930 (Eng. tr., WMontgomery, The Myst. of Paul the Ap., ’31); WSchmauch, In Christus ’35; BEaston, Pastoral Ep. ’47, 210f; FBüchsel, ‘In Chr.’ b. Pls: ZNW 42, ’49, 141–58. Also HKorn, D. Nachwirkungen d. Christusmystik d. Pls in den Apost. Vätern, diss. Berlin 1928; EAndrews, Interpretation 6, ’52, 162–77; H-LParisius, ZNW 49, ’58, 285–88 (10 ‘forensic’ passages); JAllan, NTS 5, ’58/59, 54–62 (Eph), ibid. 10, ’63, 115–21 (pastorals); FNeugebauer, In Christus, etc. ’61; MDahl, The Resurrection of the Body ( 1 Cor 15) ’62, 110–13.—Paul has the most varied expressions for this new life-principle: life in Christ Ro 6:11, 23; love in Christ 8:39; grace, which is given in Christ 1 Cor 1:4; freedom in Chr. Gal 2:4; blessing in Chr. 3:14; unity in Chr. vs. 28. στήκειν ἐν κυρίῳ stand firm in the Lord Phil 4:1; εὑρεθῆναι ἐν Χ. be found in Christ 3:9; εἶναι ἐν Χ. 1 Cor 1:30; οἱ ἐν Χ. Ro 8:1.—1 Pt 5:14; κοιμᾶσθαι ἐν Χ., ἀποθνῄσκειν ἐν κυρίῳ 1 Cor 15:18.—Rv 14:13; ζῳοποιεῖσθαι 1 Cor 15:22.—The formula is esp. common w. verbs that denote a conviction, hope, etc. πεποιθέναι Gal 5:10; Phil 1:14; 2 Th 3:4. παρρησίαν ἔχειν Phlm 8. πέπεισμαι Ro 14:14. ἐλπίζειν Phil 2:19. καύχησιν ἔχειν Ro 15:17; 1 Cor 15:31. τὸ αὐτὸ φρονεῖν Phil 4:2. ὑπακούειν Eph 6:1. λαλεῖν 2 Cor 2:17; 12:19. ἀλήθειαν λέγειν Ro 9:1. λέγειν καὶ μαρτύρεσθαι Eph 4:17. But also apart fr. such verbs, in numerous pass. it is used w. verbs and nouns of the most varied sort, often without special emphasis, to indicate the scope within which someth. takes place or has taken place, or to designate someth. as being in close assoc. w. Christ, and can be rendered, variously, in connection with, in intimate association with, keeping in mind ἁγιάζεσθαι 1 Cor 1:2, or ἅγιος ἐν Χ. Phil 1:1; ἀσπάζεσθαί τινα 1 Cor 16:19. δικαιοῦσθαι Gal 2:17. κοπιᾶν Ro 16:12. παρακαλεῖν 1 Th 4:1. προσδέχεσθαί τινα Ro 16:2; Phil 2:29. χαίρειν 3:1; 4:4, 10. γαμηθῆναι ἐν κυρίῳ marry in the Lord=marry a Christian 1 Cor 7:39. προϊστάμενοι ὑμῶν ἐν κυρίῳ your Christian leaders (in the church) 1 Th 5:12 (but s. προί̈στημι 1 and 2).—εὐάρεστος Col 3:20. νήπιος 1 Cor 3:1. φρόνιμος 4:10. παιδαγωγοί vs. 15. ὁδοί vs. 17. Hence used in periphrasis for ‘Christian’ οἱ ὄντες ἐν κυρίῳ Ro 16:11; ἄνθρωπος ἐν Χ. 2 Cor 12:2; αἱ ἐκκλησίαι αἱ ἐν Χ. Gal 1:22; 1 Th 2:14; νεκροὶ ἐν Χ. 4:16; ἐκλεκτός Ro 16:13. δόκιμος vs. 10. δέσμιος Eph 4:1. πιστὸς διάκονος 6:21; ἐν Χ. γεννᾶν τινα become someone’s parent in the Christian life 1 Cor 4:15. τὸ ἔργον μου ὑμεῖς ἐστε ἐν κυρίῳ 9:1.—The use of ἐν πνεύματι as a formulaic expression is sim.: ἐν πν. εἶναι be under the impulsion of the spirit, i.e. the new self, as opposed to ἐν σαρκί under the domination of the old self Ro 8:9; cp. ἐν νόμῳ 2:12. λαλεῖν speak under divine inspiration 1 Cor 12:3. ἐγενόμην ἐν πνεύματι I was in a state of inspiration Rv 1:10; 4:2; opp. ἐν ἑαυτῷ γενόμενος came to himself Ac 12:11 (cp. X., An. 1, 5, 17 et al.).—The expr. ἐν πν. εἶναι is also used to express the idea that someone is under the special infl. of a good or even an undesirable spirit: Mt 22:43; Mk 12:36; Lk 2:27; 1 Cor 12:3; Rv 17:3; 21:10. ἄνθρωπος ἐν πν. ἀκαθάρτῳ (ὤν) Mk 1:23 (s. GBjörck, ConNeot 7, ’42, 1–3).—ἐν τῷ πονηρῷ κεῖσθαι be in the power of the evil one 1J 5:19. οἱ ἐν νόμῳ those who are subject to the law Ro 3:19. ἐν τῷ Ἀδὰμ ἀποθνῄσκειν die because of a connection w. Adam 1 Cor 15:22.—On the formula ἐν ὀνόματι (Χριστοῦ) s. ὄνομα 1, esp. dγג. The OT is the source of the expr. ὀμνύναι ἔν τινι swear by someone or someth. (oft. LXX) Mt 5:34ff; 23:16, 18ff; Rv 10:6; παραγγέλλομέν σοι ἐν Ἰησοῦ Ac 19:14 v.l. The usage in ὁμολογεῖν ἔν τινι acknowledge someone Mt 10:32; Lk 12:8 (s. ὁμολογέω 4b) is Aramaic.
    marker introducing means or instrument, with, a construction that begins w. Homer (many examples of instrumental ἐν in Radermacher’s edition of Ps.-Demetr., Eloc. p. 100; Reader, Polemo p. 258) but whose wide currency in our lit. is partly caused by the infl. of the LXX, and its similarity to the Hebr. constr. w. בְּ (B-D-F §219; Mlt. 104; Mlt-H. 463f; s. esp. M-M p. 210).
    it can serve to introduce persons or things that accompany someone to secure an objective: ‘along with’
    α. pers., esp. of a military force, w. blending of associative (s. 4) and instrumental idea (1 Macc 1:17; 7:14, 28 al.): ἐν δέκα χιλιάσιν ὑπαντῆσαι meet, w. 10,000 men Lk 14:31 (cp. 1 Macc 4:6, 29 συνήντησεν αὐτοῖς Ἰούδας ἐν δέκα χιλιάσιν ἀνδρῶν). ἦλθεν ἐν μυριάσιν αὐτοῦ Jd 14 (cp. Jdth 16:3 ἦλθεν ἐν μυριάσι δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ).
    β. impers. (oft. LXX; PTebt 41, 5 [c. 119 B.C.]; 16, 14 [114 B.C.]; 45, 17 al., where people rush into the village or the house ἐν μαχαίρῃ, ἐν ὅπλοις). (Just., D. 86, 6 τῆς ἀξίνης, ἐν ἧ πεπορευμένοι ἦσαν … κόψαι ξύλα) ἐν ῥάβδῳ ἔρχεσθαι come with a stick (as a means of discipline) 1 Cor 4:21 (cp. Lucian, Dial. Mort. 23, 3 Ἑρμῆν καθικόμενον ἐν τῇ ῥάβδῳ; Gen 32:11; 1 Km 17:43; 1 Ch 11:23; Dssm., B 115f [BS 120]). ἐν πληρώματι εὐλογίας with the full blessing Ro 15:29. ἐν τῇ βασιλείᾳ αὐτοῦ Mt 16:28. ἐν αἵματι Hb 9:25 (cp. Mi 6:6). ἐν τῷ ὕδατι καὶ ἐν τῷ αἵματι 1J 5:6. ἐν πνεύματι καὶ δυνάμει τοῦ Ἠλίου equipped w. the spirit and power of Elijah Lk 1:17. φθάνειν ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ come with the preaching of the gospel 2 Cor 10:14. μὴ ἐν ζύμῃ παλαιᾷ not burdened w. old leaven 1 Cor 5:8.
    it can serve to express means or instrumentality in terms of location for a specific action (cp. TestAbr A 12 p. 91, 5f [Stone p. 30] κρατῶν ἐν τῇ χειρὶ αὐτοῦ ζυγόν; Tat. 9, 2 οἱ ἐν τοῖς πεσσοῖς ἀθύροντες ‘those who play w. gaming pieces’ [as, e.g., in backgammon]): κατακαίειν ἐν πυρί Rv 17:16 (cp. Bar 1:2; 1 Esdr 1:52; 1 Macc 5:5 al.; as early as Il. 24, 38; cp. POxy 2747, 74; Aelian, HA 14, 15. Further, the ἐν Rv 17:16 is not textually certain). ἐν ἅλατι ἁλίζειν, ἀρτύειν Mt 5:13; Mk 9:50; Lk 14:34 (s. M-M p. 210; WHutton, ET 58, ’46/47, 166–68). ἐν τῷ αἵματι λευκαίνειν Rv 7:14. ἐν αἵματι καθαρίζειν Hb 9:22. ἐν ῥομφαίᾳ ἀποκτείνειν kill with the sword Rv 6:8 (1 Esdr 1:50; 1 Macc 2:9; cp. 3:3; Jdth 16:4; ἀπολεῖ ἐν ῥομφαίᾳ En 99:16; 4 [6] Esdr [POxy 1010] ἐν ῥ. πεσῇ … πεσοῦνται ἐν μαχαίρῃ; cp. Lucian, Hist. Conscrib. 12 ἐν ἀκοντίῳ φονεύειν). ἐν μαχαίρῃ πατάσσειν Lk 22:49 (διχοτομήσατε … ἐν μ. GrBar 16:3); ἐν μ. ἀπόλλυσθαι perish by the sword Mt 26:52. ποιμαίνειν ἐν ῥάβδῳ σιδηρᾷ Rv 2:27; 12:5; 19:15 (s. ποιμαίνω 2aγ and cp. PGM 36, 109). καταπατεῖν τι ἐν τοῖς ποσίν tread someth. w. the feet Mt 7:6 (cp. Sir 38:29). δύο λαοὺς βλέπω ἐν τοῖς ὀφθαλμοῖς μου I see two peoples with my eyes GJs 17:2 (ἐν ὀφθαλμοῖσιν ὀρᾶν=see with the eyes: cp. Il. 1, 587; Od. 8, 459; Callinus [VII B.C.], Fgm. 1, 20 Diehl2). ποιεῖν κράτος ἐν βραχίονι do a mighty deed w. one’s arm Lk 1:51 (cp. Sir 38:30); cp. 11:20. δικαιοῦσθαι ἐν τῷ αἵματι be justified by the blood Ro 5:9. ἐν ἁγιασμῷ πνεύματος 2 Th 2:13; 1 Pt 1:2; ἐν τ. παρακλήσει 2 Cor 7:7. εὐλογεῖν ἐν εὐλογίᾳ Eph 1:3. λαλοῦντες ἑαυτοῖς ἐν ψάλμοις 5:19. ἀσπάσασθαι … ἐν εὐχῇ greet w. prayer GJs 24:1. Of intellectual process γινώσκειν ἔν τινι know or recognize by someth. (cp. Thuc. 7, 11, 1 ἐν ἐπιστολαῖς ἴστε; Sir 4:24; 11:28; 26:29) J 13:35; 1J 3:19; cp. ἐν τῇ κλάσει τοῦ ἄρτου in the breaking of bread Lk 24:35 (s. 10c).—The ἐν which takes the place of the gen. of price is also instrumental ἠγόρασας ἐν τῷ αἵματί σου Rv 5:9 (cp. 1 Ch 21:24 ἀγοράζω ἐν ἀργυρίῳ).—ἐν ᾧ whereby Ro 14:21.—The idiom ἀλλάσσειν, μεταλλάσσειν τι ἔν τινι exchange someth. for someth. else Ro 1:23, 25 (cp. Ps 105:20) is not un-Greek (Soph., Ant. 945 Danaë had to οὐράνιον φῶς ἀλλάξαι ἐν χαλκοδέτοις αὐλαῖς=change the heavenly light for brass-bound chambers).
    marker of agency: with the help of (Diod S 19, 46, 4 ἐν τοῖς μετέχουσι τοῦ συνεδρίου=with the help of the members of the council; Philostrat., Vi. Apoll. 7, 9 p. 259, 31 ἐν ἐκείνῳ ἑαλωκότες) ἐν τῷ ἄρχοντι τ. δαιμονίων ἐκβάλλει τὰ δαιμόνια Mt 9:34. ἐν ἑτερογλώσσοις λαλεῖν 1 Cor 14:21. κρίνειν τ. οἰκουμένην ἐν ἀνδρί Ac 17:31 (cp. SIG2 850, 8 [173/172 B.C.] κριθέντω ἐν ἄνδροις τρίοις; Synes., Ep. 91 p. 231b ἐν ἀνδρί); perh. 1 Cor 6:2 (s. 1e); ἀπολύτρωσις ἐν Χρ. redemption through Christ Ro 3:24 (cp. ἐν αὐτῷ σωθήσεσθε Just., A I, 60, 3).
    marker of circumstance or condition under which someth. takes place: ἐν ᾧ κρίνεις Ro 2:1 (but s. B-D-F §219, 2); ἐν ᾧ δοκιμάζει 14:22; ἐν ᾧ καυχῶνται 2 Cor 11:12; ἐν ᾧ τις τολμᾷ 11:21; ἐν ᾧ καταλαλοῦσιν whereas they slander 1 Pt 2:12, cp. 3:16 (on these Petrine pass. s. also ὅς 1k); ἐν ᾧ ξενίζονται in view of your changed attitude they consider it odd 4:4. ἐν ᾧ in 3:19 may similarly refer to a changed circumstance, i.e. from death to life (WDalton, Christ’s Proclamation to the Spirits, ’65, esp. 135–42: ‘in this sphere, under this influence’ [of the spirit]). Other possibilities: as far as this is concerned: πνεῦμα• ἐν ᾧ spirit; as which (FZimmermann, APF 11, ’35, 174 ‘meanwhile’ [indessen]; BReicke, The Disobedient Spirits and Christian Baptism, ’46, 108–15: ‘on that occasion’=when he died).—Before a substantive inf. (oft. LXX; s. KHuber, Unters. über den Sprachchar. des griech. Lev., diss. Zürich 1916, 83): in that w. pres. inf. (POxy 743, 35 [2 B.C.] ἐν τῷ δέ με περισπᾶσθαι οὐκ ἠδυνάσθην συντυχεῖν Ἀπολλωνίῳ; Just., D. 10, 3 ἐν τῷ μήτε σάββατα τηρεῖν μήτε …) βασανιζομένους ἐν τῷ ἐλαύνειν as they were having rough going in the waves=having a difficult time making headway Mk 6:48. ἐθαύμαζον ἐν τῷ χρονίζειν … αὐτόν they marveled over his delay Lk 1:21. ἐν τῷ τὴν χεῖρα ἐκτείνειν σε in that you extend your hand Ac 4:30; cp. 3:26; Hb 8:13. W. aor. inf. ἐν τῷ ὑποτάξαι αὐτῷ τὰ πάντα Hb 2:8. Somet. the circumstantial and temporal (s. 7 and 10) uses are so intermingled that it is difficult to decide between them; so in some of the pass. cited above, and also Hv 1, 1, 8 et al. (B-D-F §404, 3; Rob. 1073).—WHutton, Considerations for the Translation of ἐν, Bible Translator 9, ’58, 163–70; response by NTurner, ibid. 10, ’59, 113–20.—On ἐν w. article and inf. s. ISoisalon-Soininen, Die Infinitive in der LXX, ’65, 80ff.
    marker denoting the object to which someth. happens or in which someth. shows itself, or by which someth. is recognized, to, by, in connection with: ζητεῖν τι ἔν τινι require someth. in the case of someone 1 Cor 4:2; cp. ἐν ἡμῖν μάθητε so that you might learn in connection w. us vs. 6. Cp. Phil 1:30. ἵνα οὕτως γένηται ἐν ἐμοί that this may be done in my case 1 Cor 9:15 (Just., D. 77, 3 τοῦτο γενόμενον ἐν τῷ ἡμετέρῳ Χριστῷ). ἐδόξαζον ἐν ἐμοὶ τὸν θεόν perh. they glorified God in my case Gal 1:24, though because of me and for me are also possible. μήτι ἐν ἐμοὶ ἀνεκεφαλαιώθη ἡ ἱστορία GJs 13:1 (s. ἀνακεφαλαιόω 1). ποιεῖν τι ἔν τινι do someth. to (with) someone (Epict., Ench. 33, 12; Ps.-Lucian, Philopatr. 18 μὴ ἑτεροῖόν τι ποιήσῃς ἐν ἐμοί; Gen 40:14; Jdth 7:24; 1 Macc 7:23) Mt 17:12; Lk 23:31. ἐργάζεσθαί τι ἔν τινι Mk 14:6. ἔχειν τι ἔν τινι have someth. in someone J 3:15 (but ἐν αὐτῷ is oft. constr. w. πιστεύων, cp. v.l.); cp. 14:30 (s. BNoack, Satanas u. Soteria ’48, 92). ἵνα δικαιοσύνης ναὸν ἐν τῷ ἰδίῳ σώματι ἀναδείξῃ AcPlCor 2:17 (s. ἀναδείκνυμι 1).—For the ordinary dat. (Diod S 3, 51, 4 ἐν ἀψύχῳ ἀδύνατον=it is impossible for a lifeless thing; Ael. Aristid. 49, 15 K.=25 p. 492 D.: ἐν Νηρίτῳ θαυμαστὰ ἐνεδείξατο=[God] showed wonderful things to N.; 53 p. 629 D.: οὐ γὰρ ἐν τοῖς βελτίστοις εἰσὶ παῖδες, ἐν δὲ πονηροτάτοις οὐκέτι=it is not the case that the very good have children, and the very bad have none [datives of possession]; 54 p. 653 D.: ἐν τ. φαύλοις θετέον=to the bad; EpJer 66 ἐν ἔθνεσιν; Aesop, Fab. 19, 8 and 348a, 5 v.l. Ch.) ἀποκαλύψαι τὸν υἱὸν αὐτοῦ ἐν ἐμοί Gal 1:16. φανερόν ἐστιν ἐν αὐτοῖς Ro 1:19 (Aesop 15c, 11 Ch. τ. φανερὸν ἐν πᾶσιν=evident to all). ἐν ἐμοὶ βάρβαρος (corresp. to τῷ λαλοῦντι βάρβ.) 1 Cor 14:11 (Amphis Com. [IV B.C.] 21 μάταιός ἐστιν ἐν ἐμοί). δεδομένον ἐν ἀνθρώποις Ac 4:12. θεῷ … ἐν ἀνθρώποις Lk 2:14.—Esp. w. verbs of striking against: προσκόπτω, πταίω, σκανδαλίζομαι; s. these entries.
    marker of cause or reason, because of, on account of (PParis 28, 13=UPZ 48, 12f [162/161 B.C.] διαλυόμενοι ἐν τῷ λιμῷ; Ps 30:11; 1 Macc 16:3 ἐν τῷ ἐλέει; 2 Macc 7:29; Sir 33:17)
    gener. ἁγιάζεσθαι ἔν τινι Hb 10:10; 1 Cor 7:14. ἐν τ. ἐπιθυμίαις τῶν καρδιῶν Ro 1:24; perh. ἐν Ἰσαὰκ κληθήσεταί σοι σπέρμα 9:7; Hb 11:18 (both Gen 21:12). ἐν τῇ πολυλογίᾳ αὐτῶν because of their many words Mt 6:7. ἐν τούτῳ πιστεύομεν this is the reason why we believe J 16:30; cp. Ac 24:16; 1 Cor 4:4 (Just., D. 68, 7 οὐχὶ καὶ ἐν τούτῳ δυσωπήσω ὑμᾶς μὴ πείθεσθαι τοῖς διδασκάλοις ὑμῶν=‘surely you will be convinced by this [argument] to lose confidence in your teachers, won’t you?’); perh. 2 Cor 5:2. Sim., of the occasion: ἔφυγεν ἐν τῷ λόγῳ τούτῳ at this statement Ac 7:29; cp. 8:6. W. attraction ἐν ᾧ = ἐν τούτῳ ὅτι for the reason that = because Ro 8:3; Hb 2:18; 6:17.
    w. verbs that express feeling or emotion, to denote that toward which the feeling is directed; so: εὐδοκεῖν (εὐδοκία), εὐφραίνεσθαι, καυχᾶσθαι, χαίρειν et al.
    marker of a period of time, in, while, when
    indicating an occurrence or action within which, at a certain point, someth. occurs Mt 2:1. ἐν ταῖς ἡμέραις ἐκείναις 3:1. ἐν τῷ ἑξῆς afterward Lk 7:11. ἐν τῷ μεταξύ meanwhile (PTebt 72, 190; PFlor 36, 5) J 4:31. in the course of, within ἐν τρισὶν ἡμέραις (X., Ages. 1, 34; Diod S 13, 14, 2; 20, 83, 4; Arrian, Anab. 4, 6, 4 ἐν τρισὶν ἡμέραις; Aelian, VH 1, 6; IPriene 9, 29; GDI 1222, 4 [Arcadia] ἰν ἁμέραις τρισί; EpArist 24; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1:3 Jac.) Mt 27:40; J 2:19f.
    point of time when someth. occurs ἐν ἡμέρᾳ κρίσεως Mt 11:22 (En 10:6; Just., D. 38, 2; Tat. 12, 4). ἐν τῇ ἐσχάτῃ ἡμέρᾳ J 6:44; 11:24; 12:48; cp. 7:37. ἐν ἐκείνῃ τῇ ὥρᾳ Mt 8:13; 10:19; cp. 7:22; J 4:53. ἐν σαββάτῳ 12:2; J 7:23. ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ J 11:9 (opp. ἐν τῇ νυκτί vs. 10). ἐν τῷ δευτέρῳ on the second visit Ac 7:13. ἐν τῇ παλιγγενεσίᾳ in the new age Mt 19:28. ἐν τῇ παρουσίᾳ 1 Cor 15:23; 1 Th 2:19; 3:13; Phil 2:12 (here, in contrast to the other pass., there is no reference to the second coming of Christ.—Just., D. 31, 1 ἐν τῇ ἐνδόξῳ γινομένῃ αὐτοῦ παρουσίᾳ; 35, 8; 54, 1 al.); 1J 2:28. ἐν τῇ ἀναστάσει in the resurrection Mt 22:28; Mk 12:23; Lk 14:14; 20:33; J 11:24 (Just., D. 45, 2 ἐν τῇ τῶν νεκρῶν ἀναστάσει). ἐν τῇ ἐσχάτῃ σάλπιγγι at the last trumpet-call 1 Cor 15:52. ἐν τῇ ἀποκαλύψει at the appearance of Jesus/Christ (in the last days) 2 Th 1:7; 1 Pt 1:7, 13; 4:13.
    to introduce an activity whose time is given when, while, during (Diod S 23, 12, 1 ἐν τοῖς τοιούτοις=in the case of this kind of behavior) ἐν τῇ προσευχῇ when (you) pray Mt 21:22. ἐν τῇ στάσει during the revolt Mk 15:7. ἐν τῇ διδαχῇ in the course of his teaching Mk 4:2; 12:38. If Lk 24:35 belongs here, the sense would be on the occasion of, when (but s. 5b). ἐν αὐτῷ in it (the preaching of the gospel) Eph 6:20. γρηγοροῦντες ἐν αὐτῇ (τῇ προσευχῇ) while you are watchful in it Col 4:2. Esp. w. the pres. inf. used substantively: ἐν τῷ σπείρειν while (he) sowed Mt 13:4; Mk 4:4; cp. 6:48 (s. 7 above and βασανίζω); ἐν τῷ καθεύδειν τοὺς ἀνθρώπους while people were asleep Mt 13:25; ἐν τῷ κατηγορεῖσθαι αὐτόν during the accusations against him 27:12. W. the aor. inf. the meaning is likewise when. Owing to the fundamental significance of the aor. the action is the focal point (s. Rob. 1073, opp. B-D-F §404) ἐν τῷ γενέσθαι τὴν φωνήν Lk 9:36. ἐν τῷ ἐπανελθεῖν αὐτόν 19:15. ἐν τῷ εἰσελθεῖν αὐτούς 9:34.—W. ἐν ᾦ while, as long as (Soph., Trach. 929; Cleanthes [IV/III B.C.] Stoic. I p. 135, 1 [Diog. L. 7, 171]; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1, 11 Jac.; Plut., Mor. 356c; Arrian, Anab. 6, 12, 1; Pamprepios of Panopolis [V A.D.] 1, 22 [ed. HGerstinger, SBWienAk 208/3, 1928]) Mk 2:19; Lk 5:34; 24:44 D; J 5:7.
    marker denoting kind and manner, esp. functioning as an auxiliary in periphrasis for adverbs (Kühner-G. I 466): ἐν δυνάμει w. power, powerfully Mk 9:1; Ro 1:4; Col 1:29; 2 Th 1:11; ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ justly Ac 17:31; Rv 19:11 (cp. Just., A II, 4, 3 and D. 16, 3; 19, 2 ἐν δίκῃ). ἐν χαρᾷ joyfully Ro 15:32. ἐν ἐκτενείᾳ earnestly Ac 26:7. ἐν σπουδῇ zealously Ro 12:8. ἐν χάριτι graciously Gal 1:6; 2 Th 2:16. ἐν (πάσῃ) παρρησίᾳ freely, openly J 7:4; 16:29; Phil 1:20. ἐν πάσῃ ἀσφαλείᾳ Ac 5:23. ἐν τάχει (PHib 47, 35 [256 B.C.] ἀπόστειλον ἐν τάχει) Lk 18:8; Ro 16:20; Rv 1:1; 22:6. ἐν μυστηρίῳ 1 Cor 2:7 (belongs prob. not to σοφία, but to λαλοῦμεν: in the form of a secret; cp. Polyb. 23, 3, 4; 26, 7, 5; Just., D. 63, 2 Μωυσῆς … ἐν παραβολῇ λέγων; 68, 6 εἰρήμενον … ἐν μυστηρίῳ; Diod S 17, 8, 5 ἐν δωρεαῖς λαβόντες=as gifts; 2 Macc 4:30 ἐν δωρεᾷ=as a gift; Sir 26:3; Polyb. 28, 17, 9 λαμβάνειν τι ἐν φερνῇ). Of the norm: ἐν μέτρῳ ἑνὸς ἑκάστου μέρους acc. to the measure of each individual part Eph 4:16. On 1 Cor 1:21 s. AWedderburn, ZNW 64, ’73, 132–34.
    marker of specification or substance: w. adj. πλούσιος ἐν ἐλέει Eph 2:4; cp. Tit 2:3; Js 1:8.—of substance consisting in (BGU 72, 11 [191 A.D.] ἐξέκοψαν πλεῖστον τόπον ἐν ἀρούραις πέντε) τὸν νόμον τῶν ἐντολῶν ἐν δόγμασιν Eph 2:15. ἐν μηδενὶ λειπόμενοι Js 1:4 (contrast Just., A I, 67, 6 τοῖς ἐν χρείᾳ οὖσι). Hb 13:21a.— amounting to (BGU 970, 14=Mitt-Wilck. II/2, 242, 14f [177 A.D.] προσηνενκάμην αὐτῷ προοῖκα ἐν δραχμαῖς ἐννακοσίαις) πᾶσαν τὴν συγγένειαν ἐν ψυχαῖς ἑβδομήκοντα πέντε Ac 7:14.—Very rarely for the genitive (Philo Mech. 75, 29 τὸ ἐν τῷ κυλίνδρῳ κοίλασμα; EpArist 31 ἡ ἐν αὐτοῖς θεωρία = ἡ αὐτῶν θ.; cp. 29; Tat. 18, 1 πᾶν τὸ ἐν αὐτῇ εἶδος) ἡ δωρεὰ ἐν χάριτι the free gift in beneficence or grace Ro 5:15.—DELG. LfgrE s.v. ἐν col. 569 (lit. esp. early Greek). M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἐν

  • 4 volo

    vŏlo (2 d pers. sing. vis, orig. veis, Prisc. 9, 1, 6, p. 847 P.; 1 st pers. plur. volumus, but volimus, Plaut. Truc. 1, 2, 89 Speng.; 3 d pers. sing. volt, and 2 d pers. plur. voltis always in ante-class. writers;

    also volt,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 17, § 42; 2, 5, 49, § 128; id. Sest. 42, 90; id. Phil. 8, 9, 26; id. Par. 5, 1, 34; id. Rep. 3, 33, 45:


    id. Verr. 2, 3, 53, § 122; 2, 3, 94, § 219; 2, 5, 5, § 11; 2, 3, 89, § 208; id. Clu. 30, 83; id. Rab. Perd. 12, 33; id. Sest. 30, 64; id. Par. 1, 2, 11 et saep. — Pres. subj. velim, but sometimes volim, Plaut. Merc. 1, 2, 44 Ritschl; cf. Prisc. 9, 1, 8, p. 848 P.;

    so volint,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 3, 65 Ritschl), velle, volui ( part. fut. voliturus, Serv. ad Verg. A. 5, 712; contr. forms, vin for visne, freq. in Plaut. and Ter., also Hor. S. 1, 9, 69; Pers. 6, 63:

    sis for si vis,

    Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 70; id. Merc. 4, 4, 37; id. Pers. 3, 3, 8; Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 20; id. Heaut. 1, 2, 38; Cic. Tusc. 2, 18, 42; id. Rosc. Am. 16, 48; id. Mil. 22, 60; Liv. 34, 32, 20:

    sultis for si voltis, only ante-class.,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 8; id. As. prol. 1; id. Capt. 2, 3, 96; 3, 5, 9; 4, 4, 11), v. irreg. a. [Sanscr. var-; Gr. bol-, boulomai; cf. the strengthened root Wel- in eeldomai, elpomai; Germ. wollen; Engl. will], expressing any exercise of volition, and corresponding, in most cases, to the Germ. wollen; in Engl. mostly rendered, to wish, want, intend, purpose, propose, be willing, consent, mean, will, and, impersonally, it is my will, purpose, intention, plan, policy (syn.: cupio, opto; but volo properly implies a purpose).
    In gen.
    With object-infinitive.
    With pres. inf.
    To wish.
    Exire ex urbe priusquam luciscat volo, Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 35:

    potare ego hodie tecum volo,

    id. Aul. 3, 6, 33:

    ego quoque volo esse liber: nequiquam volo,

    id. Trin. 2, 4, 39; so id. ib. 2, 4, 164:

    ait rem seriam agere velle mecum,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 3, 8:

    natus enim debet quicunque est velle manere In vita,

    Lucr. 5, 177:

    video te alte spectare et velle in caelum migrare,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 34, 82:

    quid poetae? Nonne post mortem nobilitari volunt?

    id. ib. 1, 15, 34:

    si innocentes existimari volumus,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 10, § 28:

    quoniam opinionis meae voluistis esse participes,

    id. de Or. 1, 37, 172:

    quod eas quoque nationes adire et regiones cognoscere volebat,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 7:

    si velit suos recipere, obsides sibi remittat,

    id. ib. 3, 8 fin.:

    dominari illi volunt, vos liberi esse,

    Sall. J. 31, 23:

    si haec relinquere voltis,

    id. C. 58, 15:

    priusquam liberi estis, dominari jam in adversarios vultis,

    Liv. 3, 53, 7:

    si quis vestrum suos invisere volt, commeatum do,

    id. 21, 21, 5:

    non enim vincere tantum noluit, sed vinci voluit,

    id. 2, 59, 2:

    suspitionem Caesar quibusdam reliquit, neque voluisse se diutius vivere, neque curasse,

    Suet. Caes. 85:

    Eutrapelus cuicunque nocere volebat, Vestimenta dabat pretiosa,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 31.—
    Idiomatically: quid arbitramini Rheginos merere velle ut ab iis marmorea illa Venus auferatur? what do you think the Rhegini would take for, etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 60, § 135.—
    Transf., of things: fabula quae posci vult et spectata reponi, a comedy which wishes (i. e. is meant) to be in demand, etc., Hor. A. P. 190:

    neque enim aut hiare semper vocalibus aut destitui temporibus volunt sermo atque epistula,

    Quint. 9, 4, 20; cf. id. 8, prooem. 23.—
    Of the wishes of those that have a right to command, the gods, masters, parents, commanders, etc., I want, wish, will, am resolved, it is my will:

    in acdibus quid tibi meis erat negoti...? Volo scire,

    Plaut. Aul. 3, 2, 14; 3, 2, 17; 3, 2, 18; 3, 6, 27; id. Curc. 4, 3, 11; id. Ep. 3, 4, 74; id. Mil. 2, 3, 74; 3, 1, 17; id. Stich. 1, 2, 56; Ter. And. 1, 2, 9; 4, 2, 17:

    maxima voce clamat populus, neque se uni, nec paucis velle parere,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 35, 55:

    consuesse deos immortalis, quos pro scelere eorum ulcisci velint, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 13:

    hic experiri vim virtutemque volo,

    Liv. 23, 45, 9.—
    = in animo habere, to intend, purpose, mean, design:

    ac volui inicere tragulam in nostrum senem,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 4, 14:

    eadem quae illis voluisti facere tu, faciunt tibi,

    id. Mil. 3, 1, 11; so id. Most. 2, 2, 5:

    puerumque clam voluit exstinguere,

    Ter. Hec. 5, 1, 23:

    necare candem voluit,

    Cic. Cael. 13, 31: quid enim ad illum qui te captare vult, utrum [p. 2005] tacentem te irretiat an loquentem? id. Ac. 2, 29, 94:

    hostis hostem occidere volui,

    Liv. 2, 12, 9; 7, 34, 11: volui interdiu eum... occidere; volui, cum ad cenam invitavi, veneno scilicet tollere;

    volui... ferro interficere (ironically),

    id. 40, 13, 2:

    tuum crimen erit, hospitem occidere voluisse,

    the intention to kill your guest-friend, Val. Max. 5, 1, 3 fin.; 6, 1, 8:

    non enim vult mori, sed invidiam filio facere,

    Quint. 9, 2, 85.—

    Pregn., opp. optare: non vult mori qui optat,

    Sen. Ep. 117, 24:

    sed eo die is, cui dare volueram (epistulam), non est profectus,

    Cic. Att. 9, 7, 1:

    cum de senectute vellem aliquid scribere,

    id. Sen. 1, 2:

    ego te volui castigare, tu mihi accussatrix ades,

    Plaut. As. 3, 1, 10:

    bonus volo jam ex hoc die esse,

    id. Pers. 4, 3, 10:

    ego jam a principio amici filiam, Ita ut aequom fuerat, volui uxorem ducere,

    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 46:

    at etiam eo negotio M. Catonis splendorem maculare voluerunt,

    it was their purpose, Cic. Sest. 28, 60:

    eum (tumulum) non tam capere sine certamine volebat, quam causam certaminis cum Minucio contrahere,

    his plan was, Liv. 22, 28, 4.—Of things:

    cum lex venditionibus occurrere voluit,

    when it was the purpose of the law, Dig. 46, 1, 46: sed quid ea drachuma facere vis? Ca. Restim volo Mihi emere... qui me faciam pensilem, Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 87: Ch. Revorsionem ad terram faciunt vesperi. Ni. Aurum hercle auferre voluere, id. Bacch. 2, 3, 63:

    si iis qui haec omnia flamma ac ferro delere voluerunt... bellum indixi, etc.,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 10, 24:

    (plebem) per caedem senatus vacuam rem publicam tradere Hannibali velle,

    Liv. 23, 2, 7:

    rem Nolanam in jus dicionemque dare voluerat Poeno,

    id. 23, 15, 9: qui (majores nostri) tanta cura Siculos tueri ac retinere voluerunt ut, etc., whose policy it was to protect, etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 6, § 14:

    ut qui a principio mitis omnibus Italicis praeter Romanos videri vellet, etc.,

    Liv. 23, 15, 4: idem istuc, si in vilitate largiri voluisses, derisum tuum beneficium esset, if you had offered to grant the same thing during low prices, etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 92, § 215.—
    = studere, conari, to try, endeavor, attempt:

    quas (i. e. magnas res) qui impedire vult, is et infirmus est mobilisque natura, et, etc.,

    Cic. Lael. 20, 75:

    nam si quando id (exordium) primum invenire volui, nullum mihi occurrit, nisi aut exile, aut, etc.,

    id. Or. 2, 77, 315:

    de Antonio dico, numquam illum... nonnullorum de ipso suspitionem infitiando tollere voluisse,

    that he never attempted to remove, id. Sest. 3, 8; id. Div. 1, 18, 35:

    audes Fatidicum fallere velle deum?

    do you dare attempt? Ov. F. 2, 262.—
    To mean, of actions and expressions:

    hic respondere voluit, non lacessere,

    the latter meant to answer, not to provoke, Ter. Phorm. prol. 19:

    non te judices urbi sed carceri reservarunt, neque to retinere in civitate, sed exilio privare voluerunt,

    Cic. Att. 1, 16, 9.—So, volo dicere, I mean (lit. I intend to say):

    quid aliud volui dicere?

    Ter. Eun. 3, 2, 51:

    volo autem dicere, illud homini longe optimum esse quod ipsum sit optandum per se,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 20, 46.—Often with the acc. illud or id, as a correction: Tr. Specta quam arcte dormiunt. Th. Dormiunt? Tr. Illut quidem ut conivent volui dicere, I mean how they nod, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 145: Py. Quid? bracchium? Ar. Illud dicere volui femur, id. Mil. 1, 1, 27:

    adduxi volui dicere,

    id. Ps. 2, 4, 21; id. Am. 1, 1, 233; 1, 1, 235; id. Cas. 2, 6, 14; id. Mil. 3, 2, 7; id. Ps. 3, 2, 54; id. Rud. 2, 4, 9.—
    To be going to: haec argumenta ego aedificiis dixi; nunc etiam volo docere ut homines aedium esse similes arbitremini, now I am going to show how, etc., Plaut. Most. 1, 2, 37: quando bene gessi rem, volo hic in fano supplicare, I am going to worship here, etc., id. Curc. 4, 2, 41:

    nunc quod relicuom restat volo persolvere,

    id. Cist. 1, 3, 40:

    sustine hoc, Penicule, exuvias facere quas vovi volo,

    id. Men. 1, 3, 13:

    sinite me prospectare ne uspiam insidiae sint, consilium quod habere volumus,

    id. Mil. 3, 1, 3; id. As. 2, 2, 113; id. Cas. 4, 2, 3; id. Bacch. 1, 1, 61:

    si Prometheus, cum mortalibus ignem dividere vellet, ipse a vicinis carbunculos conrogaret, ridiculus videretur,

    Auct. Her. 4, 6, 9:

    ait se velle de illis HS. LXXX. cognoscere,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 23, § 56:

    hinc se recipere cum vellent, rursus illi ex loco superiore nostros premebant,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 45. —
    To be about to, on the point of: quom mittere signum Volt, Enn. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 48, 107 (Ann. v. 88 Vahl.):

    quotiens ire volo foras, retines me, rogitas quo ego eam,

    Plaut. Men. 1, 2, 5:

    quae sese in ignem inicere voluit, prohibui,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 113:

    si scires aspidem latere uspiam, et velle aliquem imprudentem super eam adsidere,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 18, 59; id. Div. 1, 52, 118:

    quod cum facere vellent, intervenit M. Manilius,

    id. Rep. 1, 12, 18:

    qui cum opem ferre vellet, nuntiatum sibi esse aliam classem ad Aegates insulas stare,

    Liv. 22, 56, 7:

    at Libys obstantes dum vult obvertere remos, In spatium resilire manus breve vidit,

    Ov. M. 3, 676; 1, 635:

    P. Claudius cum proelium navale committere vellet,

    Val. Max. 1, 4, 3.—
    Will, and in oblique discourse and questions would, the auxiliaries of the future and potential: animum advortite: Comediai nomen dari vobis volo, I will give you, etc., Plaut. Cas. prol. 30:

    sed, nisi molestum est, nomen dare vobis volo comediai,

    id. Poen. prol. 50:

    vos ite intro. Interea ego ex hac statua verberea volo erogitare... quid sit factum,

    id. Capt. 5, 1, 30:

    i tu atque arcessi illam: ego intus quod facto est opus volo adcurare,

    id. Cas. 3, 3, 35; id. Cist. 1, 1, 113; id. Most. 1, 1, 63; id. Poen. 2, 44; id. Pers. 1, 3, 85; id. Rud. 1, 2, 33: cum vero (gemitus) nihil imminuat doloris, cur frustra turpes esse volumus? why will ( would) we be disgraceful to no purpose? Cic. Tusc. 2, 24, 57:

    illa enim (ars) te, verum si loqui volumus, ornaverat,

    id. ib. 1, 47, 112:

    ergo, si vere aestimare volumus, etc.,

    Val. Max. 7, 5, 6:

    si vere aestimare Macedonas, qui tunc erant, volumus,

    Curt. 4, 16, 33:

    ejus me compotem facere potestis, si meminisse vultis, etc.,

    Liv. 7, 40, 5:

    visne igitur, dum dies ista venit... interea tu ipse congredi mecum ut, etc....?

    id. 8, 7, 7:

    volo tibi Chrysippi quoque distinctionem indicare,

    Sen. Ep. 9, 14: vis tu homines urbemque feris praeponere silvis? will you prefer, etc., Hor. S. 2, 6, 92; cf. velim and vellem, would, II. A. 2.—
    Sometimes volui = mihi placuit, I resolved, concluded (generally, in this meaning, followed by an infinitive clause, v. I. B. 4.):

    uti tamen tuo consilio volui,

    still I concluded to follow your advice, Cic. Att. 8, 3, 1.—
    To be willing, ready, to consent, like to do something: si sine bello velint rapta... tradere... se exercitum domum reducturum, if they were willing, would consent to, would deliver, etc., Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 52:

    is dare volt, is se aliquid posci,

    likes to give, id. As. 1, 3, 29:

    hoc dixit, si hoc de cella concederetur, velle Siculos senatui polliceri frumentum in cellam gratis,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 87, § 200:

    ei laxiorem daturos, si venire ad causam dicendam vellet,

    Liv. 39, 17, 2; 5, 36, 4: nemo invenitur qui pecuniam suam dividere velit. Sen. Brev. Vit. 3, 1:

    plerique concessam sibi sub condicione vitam si militare adversus eum vellent, recusarunt,

    Suet. Caes. 68:

    dedere etiam se volebant, si toleranda viris imperarentur,

    Flor. 1, 33 (2, 18), 12.—So with negatives, to be not willing, not to suffer, not to like, not to allow, refuse:

    heri nemo voluit Sostratam intro admittere,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 49:

    cum alter verum audire non vult,

    Cic. Lael. 26, 98: a proximis quisque minime anteiri vult, likes least to be surpassed, etc., Liv. 6, 34, 7:

    nihil ex his praeter... accipere voluit,

    refused to accept, Val. Max. 4, 3, 4.—
    To do something voluntarily or intentionally: volo facere = mea voluntate or sponte facio: si voluit accusare, pietati tribuo;

    si jussus est, necessitati,

    if he accused of his own free will, I ascribe it to his filial love, Cic. Cael. 1, 2:

    utrum statuas voluerint tibi statuere, an coacti sint,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 65, § 157:

    de risu quinque sunt quae quaerantur... sitne oratoris risum velle permovere,

    on purpose, id. Or. 2, 58, 235:

    laedere numquam velimus,

    Quint. 6, 3, 28.—So, non velle with inf., to do something unwillingly, with reluctance:

    vivere noluit qui mori non vult,

    who dies with reluctance, Sen. Ep. 30, 10.—
    To be of opinion, think, mean, pretend (rare with inf.; usu. with acc. and inf.; v. B. 8.):

    haec tibi scripsi ut isto ipso in genere in quo aliquid posse vis, te nihil esse cognosceres,

    in which you imagine you have some influence, Cic. Fam. 7, 27, 2:

    in hoc homo luteus etiam callidus ac veterator esse vult, quod ita scribit, etc.,

    pretends, means to be, id. Verr. 2, 3, 14, § 35: sed idem Aelius Stoicus esse voluit, orator autem nec studuit um quam, nec fuit, id. Brut. 56, 206:

    Pythago. ras, qui etiam ipse augur esse vellet,

    id. Div. 1, 3, 5.—
    To like, have no objection to, approve of (cf. E. 1. sq.):

    magis eum delectat qui se ait philosophari velle sed paucis: nam omnino haud placere,

    that he liked, had no objection to philosophizing, Cic. Rep. 1, 18, 30; v. also II. A.—
    With pres. inf. understood.
    Supplied from a preceding or subsequent clause.
    To wish, it is his will, etc. (cf. 1. a. and b. supra):

    nunc bene vivo et fortunate atque ut volo, i. e. vivere,

    as I wish, Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 111: quod diu vivendo multa quae non volt (i. e. videre) videt, Caecil. ap. Cic. Sen. 8, 25:

    proinde licet quotvis vivendo condere saecla,

    Lucr. 3, 1090:

    nec tantum proficiebam quantum volebam,

    Cic. Att. 1, 17, 1:

    tot autem rationes attulit, ut velle (i. e. persuadere) ceteris, sibi certe persuasisse videatur,

    id. Tusc. 1, 21, 49:

    sed liceret, si velint, in Ubiorum finibus considere,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 81:

    quo praesidio senatus libere quae vellet decernere auderet,

    id. B. C. 1, 2.—Of things:

    neque chorda sonum reddit quem vult manus et mens,

    Hor. A. P. 348.—
    To choose, be pleased (freq.):

    tum mihi faciat quod volt magnus Juppiter,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 50:

    id repetundi copia est, quando velis,

    id. Trin. 5, 2, 7:

    habuit aurum quamdiu voluit,

    Cic. Cael. 13, 31:

    rapiebat et asportabat quantum a quoque volebat Apronius,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 12, § 29:

    provincias quas vellet, quibus vellet, venderet?

    id. Sest. 39, 84:

    quotiens ille tibi potestatem facturus sit ut eligas utrum velis,

    id. Div. in Caecil. 14, 45:

    daret utrum vellet subclamatum est,

    Liv. 21, 18, 14:

    senatus consultum factum est ut plebes praeficeret quaestioni quem vellet,

    id. 4, 51, 2:

    saxi materiaeque caedendae unde quisque vellet jus factum,

    id. 5, 55, 3; cf. id. 2, 13, 9; 5, 46, 10; 6, 25, 5; 22, 10, 23; 23, 6, 2; 23, 15, 15; 23, 45, 10; 23, 47, 2;

    26, 21, 11: vicem suam conquestus, quod sibi soli non liceret amicis, quatenus vellet, irasci,

    Suet. Aug. 66:

    at tu quantum vis tolle,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 16.—
    To intend, it is my purpose, etc. (v. 1. c. supra):

    sine me pervenire quo volo,

    let me come to my point, Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 44:

    scripsi igitur Aristotelio more, quemadmodum quidem volui, tres libros... de Oratore,

    as I intended, Cic. Fam. 1, 9, 23:

    ut meliore condicione quam qua ipse vult imitetur homines eos qui, etc.,

    id. Div. in Caecil. 8, 25:

    ego istos posse vincere scio, velle ne scirem ipsi fecerunt,

    Liv. 2, 45, 12. —
    To be willing, to consent, I will (v. 1. h. and l. supra): tu eum orato... St. Sane volo, yes, I will, Plaut. Cas. 2, 3, 57:

    jube me vinciri. Volo, dum istic itidem vinciatur,

    id. Capt. 3, 4, 75:

    patri dic velle (i. e. uxorem ducere),

    that you consent, are willing, Ter. And. 2, 3, 20 (cf.: si vis, II. A. 2, and sis, supra init.).—
    To do something voluntarily (v. 1. m. supra):

    tu selige tantum, Me quoque velle velis, anne coactus amem,

    Ov. Am. 3, 11, 50.—
    With ellipsis of inf.
    Volo, with a designation of place, = ire volo:

    nos in Formiano morabamur, quo citius audiremus: deinde Arpinum volebamus,

    I intended to go to Arpinum, Cic. Att. 9, 1, 3:

    volo mensi Quinctili in Graeciam,

    id. ib. 14, 7, 2:

    hactenus Vitellius voluerat (i. e. procedere),

    Tac. A. 12, 42 fin.
    With other omissions, supplied from context: volo Dolabellae valde desideranti, non reperio quid (i. e. to dedicate some writing to him), Cic. Att. 13, 13, 2.—
    In mal. part., Plaut. Aul. 2, 4, 7; Ov. Am. 2, 4, 16; 2. 19, 2; Prop. 1, 13, 36.—
    With perfect infinitive active (rare).
    In negative imperative sentences dependent on ne velis, ne velit (in oblique discourse also ne vellet), where ne velis has the force of noli. The perfect infinitive emphatically represents the action as completed (ante-class. and poet.).
    In ancient ordinances of the Senate and of the higher officers (not in laws proper): NEIQVIS EORVM BACANAL HABVISE VELET... BACAS VIR NEQVIS ADIESE VELET CEIVIS ROMANVS... NEVE PECVNIAM QVISQVAM EORVM COMOINEM HABVISE VELET... NEVE... QVIQVAM FECISE VELET. NEVE INTER SED CONIOVRASE, NEVE COMVOVISE NEVE CONSPONDISE, etc., S. C. de Bacch. 4-13 ap. Wordsworth, Fragm. and Spec. p. 172.—So, in quoting such ordinances: per totam Italiam edicta mitti ne quis qui Bacchis initiatus esset, coisse aut convenisse causa sacrorum velit. [p. 2006] neu quid talis rei divinae fecisse, Liv. 39, 14, 8:

    edixerunt ne quis quid fugae causa vendidisse neve emisse vellet,

    id. 39, 17, 3. —
    In imitation of official edicts: (vilicus) ne quid emisse velit insciente domino, neu quid domino celasse velit, the overseer must not buy any thing, etc., Cato, R. R. 5, 4:

    interdico, ne extulisse extra aedis puerum usquam velis,

    Ter. Hec. 4, 1, 48:

    oscula praecipue nulla dedisse velis (= noli dare),

    Ov. Am. 1, 4, 38:

    ne quis humasse velit Ajacem, Atride, vetas? Cur?

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 187.—
    In affirmative sentences, implying command (in any mood or tense; mostly poet.): neminem nota strenui aut ignavi militis notasse volui, I have decided to mark no one, etc., Liv. 24, 16, 11: quia pepercisse vobis volunt, committere vos cur pereatis non patiuntur, because they have decided to spare you, etc., id. 32, 21, 33:

    sunt delicta tamen quibus ignovisse velimus (= volumus),

    which should be pardoned, Hor. A. P. 347.—
    To represent the will as referring to a completed action.
    In optative sentences with vellem or velim, v. II. B. 5. b. a, and II. C. 1. b.—
    In other sentences ( poet. and post-class.): ex omnibus praediis ex quibus non hac mente recedimus ut omisisse possessionem velimus, with the will to abandon (omittere would denote the purpose to give up at some future time), Dig. 43, 16, 1, § 25; so,

    an erit qui velle recuset Os populi meruisse?

    Pers. 1, 41:

    qui me volet incurvasse querela,

    id. 1, 91.
    With acc. and inf.
    To wish (v. A. 1. a.).
    With a different subject: hoc volo scire te: Perditus sum miser, I wish you to know, etc., Plaut. Curc. 1, 2, 46:

    deos volo consilia vostra vobis recte vortere,

    id. Trin. 5, 2, 31:

    emere oportet quem tibi oboedire velis,

    id. Pers. 2, 4, 2:

    scin' quid nunc te facere volo?

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 85:

    si perpetuam vis esse adfinitatem hanc,

    id. Hec. 2, 2, 10:

    consul ille egit eas res quarum me participem esse voluit,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 17, 41:

    vim volumus exstingui: jus valeat necesse est,

    id. Sest. 42, 92:

    nec mihi hunc errorem extorqueri volo,

    id. Sen. 23, 85:

    hoc te scire volui,

    id. Att. 7, 18, 4:

    harum causarum fuit justissima quod Germanos suis quoque rebus timere voluit,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 16:

    ut equites qui salvam esse rempublicam vellent ex equis desilirent,

    Liv. 4, 38, 2:

    si me vivere vis recteque videre valentem,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 3:

    si vis me flere, dolendum est Primum ipsi tibi,

    id. A. P. 102.—With pass. inf. impers.:

    regnari tamen omnes volebant,

    that there should be a king, Liv. 1, 17, 3:

    mihi volo ignosci,

    I wish to be pardoned, Cic. Or. 1, 28, 130:

    volt sibi quisque credi,

    Liv. 22, 22, 14. —
    With the same subject.
    With inf. act.:

    quae mihi est spes qua me vivere velim,

    what hope have I, that I should wish to live? Plaut. Rud. 1, 3, 33:

    volo me placere Philolachi,

    id. Most. 1, 3, 11; cf. id. Trin. 2, 2, 47; id. Rud. 2, 6, 1:

    judicem esse me, non doctorem volo,

    Cic. Or. 33, 117:

    vult, credo, se esse carum suis,

    id. Sen. 20, 73; so id. Off. 1, 31, 113; id. de Or. 1, 24, 112; 2, 23, 95. —
    With inf. pass.:

    quod certiorem te vis fieri quo quisque in me animo sit,

    Cic. Att. 11, 13, 1; cf. id. Fam. 1, 9, 18:

    qui se ex his minus timidos existimari volebant,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 39; cf. id. B. C. 2, 29:

    religionis se causa... Bacchis initiari velle,

    Liv. 39, 10, 2:

    Agrippae se nepotem neque credi neque dici volebat,

    Suet. Calig. 22 fin.
    Of the will of superiors, gods, etc. (cf. A. 1. b. supra), I want, it is my will:

    me absente neminem volo intromitti,

    Plaut. Aul. 1, 3, 21:

    viros nostros quibus tu voluisti esse nos matres familias,

    id. Stich. 1, 2, 41; id. Most. 1, 4, 2; id. Rud. 4, 5, 9; id. Trin. 1, 2, 1:

    pater illum alterum (filium) secum omni tempore volebat esse,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 15, 42:

    (deus) quinque reliquis motibus orbem esse voluit expertem,

    id. Univ. 10; cf. id. Sest. 69, 147; id. Verr. 2, 4, 25, § 57; 1, 5, 14:

    causa mittendi fuit quod iter per Alpes... patefieri volebat,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 1; cf. id. ib. 5, 9; id. B. C. 1, 4:

    quippe (senatus) foedum hominem a republica procul esse volebat,

    Sall. C. 19, 2:

    nec (di) patefieri (crimina) ut impunita essent, sed ut vindicarentur voluerunt,

    Liv. 39, 16, 11; cf. id. 1, 56, 3; 2, 28, 5; 25, 32, 6:

    senatus... Romano sanguini pudicitiam tutam esse voluit,

    Val. Max. 6, 1, 9; cf. id. 6, 9, 2.—So in the historians: quid fieri vellet (velit), after a verbum imperandi or declarandi, he gave his orders, explained his will:

    quid fieri velit praecipit,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 56:

    ibi quid fieri vellet imperabat,

    id. ib. 7, 16:

    quid fieri vellet ostendit,

    id. ib. 7, 27:

    quae fieri vellet edocuit,

    id. B. C. 3, 108; cf. id. B. G. 7, 45; id. B. C. 3, 78; 3, 89:

    quid fieri vellet edixit,

    Curt. 8, 10, 30; 4, 13, 24; Val. Max. 7, 4, 2.— Frequently majores voluerunt, it was the will of our ancestors, referring to ancient customs and institutions:

    sacra Cereris summa majores nostri religione confici caerimoniaque voluerunt,

    Cic. Balb. 24, 55: majores vestri ne vos quidem temere coire voluerunt, cf. id. ib. 17, 39; 23, 54; id. Agr. 2, 11, 26; id. Fl. 7, 15; id. Imp. Pomp. 13, 39; id. Div. 1, 45, 103; id. Font. 24, 30 (10, 20); id. Rosc. Am. 25, 70.—Of testamentary dispositions: cum Titius, heres meus, mortuus erit, volo hereditatem meam ad P. Mevium pertinere, Gai Inst. 2, 277. Except in the institution of the first heir: at illa (institutio) non est comprobata: Titum heredem esse volo, Gai Inst. 2, 117. —
    Of the intention of a writer, etc., to want, to mean, intend:

    Asinariam volt esse (nomen fabulae) si per vos licet,

    Plaut. As. prol. 12:

    Plautus hanc mihi gnatam esse voluit Inopiam,

    has wanted Poverty to be my daughter, made her my daughter, id. Trin. prol. 9:

    primumdum huic esse nomen Diphilus Cyrenas voluit,

    id. Rud. prol. 33:

    quae ipsi qui scripserunt voluerunt vulgo intellegi,

    meant to be understood by all, Cic. Or. 2, 14, 60:

    si non hoc intellegi volumus,

    id. Fat. 18, 41:

    quale intellegi vult Cicero cum dicit orationem suam coepisse canescere,

    Quint. 11, 1, 31; so id. 9, 4, 82; 9, 3, 9:

    quamquam illi (Prometheo) quoque ferreum anulum dedit antiquitas vinculumque id, non gestamen, intellegi voluit,

    Plin. 33, 1, 4, § 8.—
    To resolve:

    Siculi... me defensorem calamitatum suarum... esse voluerunt,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 4, 11:

    si a me causam hanc vos (judices) agi volueritis,

    if you resolve, id. ib. 8, 25:

    senatus te voluit mihi nummos, me tibi frumentum dare,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 85, § 196:

    qua (statua) abjecta, basim tamen in foro manere voluerunt,

    id. ib. 2, 2, 66, §

    160: liberam debere esse Galliam quam (senatus) suis legibus uti voluisset,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 45:

    tu Macedonas tibi voluisti genua ponere, venerarique te ut deum,

    Curt. 8 (7), 13.— Hence,
    To order, command: erus meus tibi me salutem multam voluit dicere, has ordered me, etc., Plaut. Ps. 4, 2, 25:

    montem quem a Labieno occupari voluerit,

    which he had ordered to be occupied, Caes. B. G. 1, 22:

    ibi futuros esse Helvetios ubi eos Caesar... esse voluisset,

    id. ib. 1, 13 (for velitis jubeatis with inf.-clause, v. II. B. 5. d.).—
    To consent, allow (cf. A. 1. I.):

    obtinuere ut (tribuni) tribuniciae potestatis vires salubres vellent reipublicae esse,

    they prevailed upon them to permit the tribunitian power to be wholesome to the republic, Liv. 2, 44, 5:

    Hiero tutores... puero reliquit quos precatus est moriens ut juvenum suis potissimum vestigiis insistere vellent,

    id. 24, 4, 5:

    petere ut eum... publicae etiam curae ac velut tutelae vellent esse (i. e. senatus),

    id. 42, 19, 5:

    orare tribunos ut uno animo cum consulibus bellum ab urbe ac moenibus propulsari vellent,

    id. 3, 69, 5:

    quam superesse causam Romanis cur non... incolumis Syracusas esse velint?

    id. 25, 28, 8:

    si alter ex heredibus voluerit rem a legatario possideri, alter non, ei qui noluit interdictum competet,

    Dig. 43, 3, 1, § 15.—So negatively = not to let, not to suffer:

    cum P. Attio agebant ne sua pertinacia omnium fortunas perturbari vellet,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 36.—
    To be of opinion that something should be, to require, demand:

    voluisti enim in suo genere unumquemque... esse Roscium,

    Cic. Or. 1, 61, 258: eos exercitus quos contra se multos jam annos aluerint velle dimitti, he demanded the disbanding of, etc., Caes. B. C. 1, 85:

    (Cicero) vult esse auctoritatem in verbis,

    Quint. 8, 3, 43:

    vult esse Celsus aliquam et superiorem compositionem,

    id. 9, 4, 137:

    si tantum irasci vis sapientem quantum scelerum indignitas exigit,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 9, 4. —
    To be of opinion that something is or was, = censere, dicere, but implying that the opinion is erroneous or doubtful, usu. in the third pers., sometimes in the second.
    To imagine, consider:

    est genus hominum qui esse se primos omnium rerum volunt, Nec sunt,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 17:

    semper auget adsentator id quod is cujus ad voluntatem dicitur vult esse magnum,

    Cic. Lael. 26, 98:

    si quis patricius, si quis—quod illi volunt invidiosius esse—Claudius diceret,

    Liv. 6, 40, 13.—
    To be of opinion, to hold:

    vultis, opinor, nihil esse... in natura praeter ignem,

    Cic. N. D. 3, 14, 36:

    volunt illi omnes... eadem condicione nasci,

    id. Div. 2, 44, 93:

    vultis evenire omnia fato,

    id. ib. 2, 9, 24:

    alteri censent, etc., alteri volunt a rebus fatum omne relegari,

    id. Fat. 19, 45:

    vultis a dis immortalibus hominibus dispertiri somnia,

    id. N. D. 3, 39, 93; id. Tusc. 1, 10, 20; id. Fin. 3, 11, 36; id. Rep. 2, 26, 48:

    volunt quidam... iram in pectore moveri effervescente circa cor sanguine,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 19, 3.—
    To say, assert:

    si tam familiaris erat Clodiae quam tu esse vis,

    as you say he is, Cic. Cael. 21, 53:

    sit sane tanta quanta tu illam esse vis,

    id. Or. 1, 55, 23:

    ad pastum et ad procreandi voluptatem hoc divinum animal procreatum esse voluerunt: quo nihil mihi videtur esse absurdius,

    id. Fin. 2, 13, 40; 2, 17, 55; 2, 42, 131; 2, 46, 142; id. Fat. 18, 41.—With perf. inf.:

    Rhodi ego non fui: me vult fuisse,

    Cic. Planc. 34, 84.—
    To pretend, with perf. inf., both subjects denoting the same person:

    unde homines dum se falso terrore coacti Effugisse volunt, etc.,

    Lucr. 3, 69 (cf. A. 1. n. supra).—
    To mean, with perf. inf.:

    utrum scientem vultis contra foedera fecisse, an inscientem?

    Cic. Balb. 5, 13.— With pres. inf.:

    quam primum istud, quod esse vis?

    what do you mean by as soon as possible? Sen. Ep. 117, 24.—
    Rarely in the first pers., implying that the opinion is open to discussion:

    ut et mihi, quae ego vellem non esse oratoris, concederes,

    what according to my opinion is not the orator's province, Cic. Or. 1, 17, 74.—
    In partic.
    With things as subjects.
    Things personified:

    ne res publica quidem haec pro se suscipi volet,

    would have such things done for it, Cic. Off. 1, 45, 159:

    cui tacere grave sit, quod homini facillimum voluerit esse natura,

    which nature willed should be easiest for man, Curt. 4, 6, 6: fortuna Q. Metellum... nasci in urbe terrarum principe voluit, fate ordained that, etc., Val. Max. 7, 1, 1: nihil rerum ipsa natura voluit magnum effici cito, it is the law of nature that, etc., Quint. 10, 3, 4:

    quid non ingenio voluit natura licere?

    what license did nature refuse to genius? Mart. 8, 68, 9:

    me sine, quem semper voluit fortuna jacere,

    Prop. 1, 6, 25:

    hanc me militiam fata subire volunt,

    id. 1, 6, 30.—
    Of laws, to provide:

    duodecim tabulae nocturnum furem... interfici impune voluerunt,

    Cic. Mil. 3, 9:

    lex duodecim tabularum tignum aedibus junctum... solvi prohibuit, pretiumque ejus dari voluit,

    Dig. 46, 3, 98, § 8 fin. (cf. Cic. Div. in Caecil. 6, 21, b. a, infra).—
    With perf. pass. inf., to represent a state or result wished for.
    The inf. being in full, with esse expressed: si umquam quemquam di immortales voluere esse auxilio adjutum, tum me et Calidorum servatum volunt, if it ever was the will of the gods that any one should be assisted, etc., Plaut. Ps. 4, 1, 1: Corinthum patres vestri, totius Graeciae lumen, exstinctum esse voluerunt, it was their will that Corinth should be ( and remain) destroyed, Cic. Imp. Pomp. 5, 11:

    nostri... leges et jura tecta esse voluerunt,

    id. Or. 1, 59, 253:

    propter eam partem epistulae tuae per quam te et mores tuos purgatos et probatos esse voluisti,

    id. Att. 1, 17, 7; id. Fin. 4, 27, 76; id. de Or. 1, 51, 221:

    daturum se operam ne cujus suorum popularium mutatam secum fortunam esse vellent,

    Liv. 21, 45, 6: for velle redundant in this construction, v. II. A. 2. 3. infra.—With pass. inf. impers.:

    sociis maxime lex consultum esse vult,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 6, 21.—
    With ellips. of esse (cf. Quint. 9, 3, 9): perdis me tuis dictis. Cu. Imo, servo et servatum volo, and mean that you should remain saved, Plaut. Curc. 2, 3, 56:

    aunt qui volum te conventam,

    who want to see you, id. Cist. 4, 2, 39:

    eidem homini, si quid recte cura tum velis, mandes,

    if you want to have anything done well, id. As. 1, 1, 106:

    sed etiam est paucis vos quod monitos voluerim,

    id. Capt. prol. 53: id nunc res indicium haeo [p. 2007] facit, quo pacto factum volueris, this shows now why you wished this to be done, Ter. Hec. 4, 1, 31 (cf. Plaut. Stich. 4, 2, 33; id. Aul. 3, 5, 30, II. B. 1, b, and II. B. 3. b. infra): domestica cura te levatum volo, I wish to see you relieved, etc., Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 9, 3:

    nulla sedes quo concurrant qui rem publicam defensam velint,

    id. Att. 8, 3, 4:

    rex celatum voluerat (i. e. donum),

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 28, § 64:

    Hannibal non Capuam neglectam, neque desertos volebat socios,

    Liv. 25, 20, 5; 2, 15, 2; 2, 44, 3; 3, 21, 4; 22, 7, 4;

    26, 31, 6: contemptum hominis quem destructum volebat,

    Quint. 8, 3, 21:

    si te non emptam vellet, emendus erat,

    Ov. Am. 1, 8, 34 (so with velle redundant, v. II. A. 1. d., and II. A. 3. infra).—Both subjects denoting the same person:

    velle Pompeium se Caesari purgatum,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 8.— Esp., with pass. inf. impers.: alicui consultum velle, to take care for or advocate somebody's interests:

    liberis consultum volumus propter ipsos,

    Cic. Fin. 3, 17, 57:

    obliviscere illum aliquando adversario tuo voluisse consultum,

    id. Att. 16, 16 C, 10:

    quibus tribuni plebis nunc consultum repente volunt,

    Liv. 5, 5, 3; so id. 25, 25, 17:

    quamquam senatus subventum voluit heredibus,

    Dig. 36, 1, 1, § 4; so with dep. part., used passively:

    volo amori ejus obsecutum,

    Plaut. As. 1, 1, 63.—
    With predic. adj., without copula.
    The subjects being different (mostly aliquem salvum velle):

    si me vivum vis, pater, Ignosce,

    if you wish me to live, Ter. Heaut. 5, 5, 7:

    ille, si me alienus adfinem volet, Tacebit,

    id. Phorm. 4, 1, 16:

    ut tu illam salvam magis velis quam ego,

    id. Hec. 2, 2, 17; 3, 5, 14:

    quoniam ex tota provincia soli sunt qui te salvum velint,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 67, § 150:

    irent secum extemplo qui rempublicam salvam vellent,

    Liv. 22, 53, 7.—
    Both subjects denoting the same person (virtually = object infinitive):

    in occulto jacebis quom te maxime clarum voles (= clarus esse voles),

    when you will most wish to be famous, Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 38:

    volo me patris mei similem,

    I wish to be like my father, id. As. 1, 1, 54: ut iste qui se vult dicacem et mehercule est, Appius, who means to be witty, etc., Cic. Or. 2, 60, 246:

    qui vero se populares volunt,

    who mean to be popular, id. Off. 2, 22, 78:

    ut integrum se salvumque velit,

    id. Fin. 2, 11, 33:

    ut (omne animal) se et salvum in suo genere incolumeque vellet,

    id. ib. 4, 8, 19. —
    With an inf.-clause understood.
    Velle, to wish: utinam hinc abierit in malam crucem! Ad. Ita nos velle aequom est (ita = eum abire, etc.), Plaut. Poen. 4, 1, 5:

    stulta es, soror, magis quam volo (i.e. te esse),

    id. Pers. 4, 4, 78; id. Trin. 1, 2, 8; 2, 4, 175; id. Stich. 1, 1, 13; id. Ps. 1, 5, 55:

    senatum non quod sentiret, sed quod ego vellem decernere,

    Cic. Mil. 5, 12:

    neque enim facile est ut irascatur cui tu velis judex (= cui tu eum irasci velis),

    id. Or. 2, 45, 190; cf. id. Sest. 38, 82.—
    Referring to the will of superiors, etc.:

    deos credo voluisse, nam ni vellent, non fieret,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 46: jamne abeo? St. Volo (sc. te abire), so I will, id. Cas. 2, 8, 57; cf. id. Mil. 4, 6, 12; id. Merc. 2, 3, 33.—
    To mean, intend (v. B. 3.):

    acutum etiam illud est cum ex alterius oratione aliud atque ille vult (sc. te excipere),

    Cic. Or. 2, 67, 273.—
    To require, demand (v B. 7.):

    veremur quidem vos, Romani, et, si ita vultis, etiam timemus,

    Liv. 39, 37, 17;

    and of things as subjects: cadentque vocabula, si volet usus (i. e. ea cadere),

    Hor. A. P. 71.—
    To be of opinion, will have (v. B. 8.):

    ergo ego, inimicus, si ita vultis, homini, amicus esse rei publicae debeo,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 8, 19:

    nam illi regi tolerabili, aut, si voltis, etiam amabili, Cyro,

    id. Rep. 1, 28, 44; id. Fin. 2, 27, 89; 3, 4, 12; id. Cael. 21, 53; Liv. 21, 10, 7; Quint. 2, 17, 41.—
    With ellips. of predic. inf. (v. A. 2. b.): cras de reliquiis nos volo (i. e. cenare), it is my intention that we dine, etc., Plaut. Stich. 3, 2, 40:

    volo Varronem (i. e. hos libros habere),

    Cic. Att. 13, 25, 3.
    With ut, ne, or ut ne.
    With ut.
    To wish:

    volo ut quod jubebo facias,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 8, 65:

    quia enim id maxime volo ut illi istac confugiant,

    id. Most. 5, 1, 49:

    ut mihi aedes aliquas conducat volo,

    id. Merc. 3, 2, 17: hoc prius volo meam rem agere. Th. Quid id est? Ph. Ut mihi hanc despondeas, id. Curc. 5, 2, 71: quid vis, nisi ut maneat Phanium? Ter. Phorm. 2, 2, 8:

    velim ut tibi amicus sit,

    Cic. Att. 10, 16, 1:

    quare id quoque velim... ut sit qui utamur,

    id. ib. 11, 11, 2:

    maxime vellem, judices, ut P. Sulla... modestiae fructum aliquem percipere potuisset,

    id. Sull. 1, 1:

    equidem vellem uti pedes haberent (res tuae),

    id. Fam. 7, 33, 2:

    his ut sit digna puella volo,

    Mart. 11, 27, 14.—Both subjects denoting the same person: volueram, inquit, ut quam plurimum tecum essem, Brut. ap. Cic. Att. 13, 38, 1.—
    It is the will of, to want, ordain (v. B. 2.):

    at ego deos credo voluisse ut apud te me in nervo enicem,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 17: numquid me vis? Le. Ut valeas, id. Cist. 1, 1, 120: numquid vis? Ps. Dormitum ut abeas, id. Ps. 2, 2, 70:

    volo ut mihi respondeas,

    Cic. Vatin. 6, 14; 7, 17; 7, 18; 9, 21;

    12, 29: nuntia Romanis, caelestes ita velle ut mea Roma caput orbis terrarum sit,

    Liv. 1, 16, 7.—
    To intend, it is the purpose, aim, etc., the two subjects being the same:

    id quaerunt, volunt haec ut infecta faciant,

    Plaut. Cas. 4, 4, 9.—
    With other verbs:

    quod peto et volo parentes meos ut commonstres mihi,

    Ter. Heaut. 5, 4, 4:

    quasi vero aut populus Romanus hoc voluerit, aut senatus tibi hoc mandaverit ut... privares,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 19, § 48;

    with opto,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 16, 48;

    with laboro,

    Liv. 42, 14, 3;

    with aequum censere,

    id. 39, 19, 7.—
    With ne:

    at ne videas velim,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 23:

    quid nunc vis? ut opperiare hos sex dies saltem modo, ne illam vendas, neu me perdas, etc.,

    id. Ps. 1, 3, 102:

    credibile est hoc voluisse legumlatorem, ne auxilia liberorum innocentibus deessent,

    intended, Quint. 7, 1, 56.—
    With ut ne: quid nunc tibi vis? Mi. Ut quae te cupit, eam ne spernas, Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 60.
    With subjunct. of dependent verb (mostly ante-class.; class. and freq. with velim and vellem; but in Cic. mostly epistolary and colloquial).
    To wish:

    ergo animum advortas volo,

    Plaut. Capt. 2, 3, 23; 2, 3, 28; 2, 3, 70:

    volo amet me patrem,

    id. As. 1, 1, 63 dub.:

    hoc volo agatis,

    id. Cist. 1, 1, 83:

    ducas volo hodie uxorem,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 14:

    quid vis faciam?

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 2, 49; Ter. Eun. 5, 8, 24; Plaut. Mil. 2, 3, 64; 2, 3, 65; 2, 6, 65; 3, 3, 3; id. Ps. 4, 1, 17; 4, 7, 19; id. Cas. 2, 3, 56; id. Capt. 1, 2, 12; id. Poen. 3, 2, 16; id. Pers. 2, 4, 23; id. Rud. 5, 2, 45; 5, 3, 58; id. Stich. 5, 2, 21; Ter. Heaut. 4, 6, 14:

    volo etiam exquiras quam diligentissime poteris quid Lentulus agat?

    Cic. Att. 8, 12, 6:

    Othonem vincas volo,

    id. ib. 13, 29, 2:

    eas litteras volo habeas,

    id. ib. 13, 32, 3:

    visne igitur videamus quidnam sit, etc.,

    id. Rep. 1, 10, 15: visne igitur descendatur ad Lirim? id. Fragm. ap. Macr. S. 6, 4:

    volo, inquis, sciat,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 10, 2.—
    To be of opinion that something should be, demand, require (v. B. 7.): volo enim se efferat in adulescentia fecunditas, I like to see, etc., Cic. Or. 2, 21, 88:

    volo hoc oratori contingat ut, etc.,

    id. Brut. 84, 290.—
    With subj.-clause understood:

    abi atque obsona, propera! sed lepide volo (i. e. obsones),

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 8, 55.
    With object nouns, etc.
    With acc. of a thing.
    With a noun, to want, wish for, like to have:

    voltisne olivas, aut pulmentum, aut capparim?

    Plaut. Curc. 1, 1, 90:

    animo male est: aquam velim,

    id. Am. 5, 1, 6:

    quia videt me suam amicitiam velle,

    id. Aul. 2, 3, 68; so,

    gratiam tuam,

    id. Curc. 2, 3, 52; 2, 3, 56:


    id. ib. 2, 3, 34:


    Ter. And. 4, 2, 14: nullam ego rem umquam in vita mea Volui quin tu in ea re mihi advorsatrix fueris, I never had any wish in my life, etc., id. Heaut. 5, 3, 5: (dixit) velle Hispaniam, he wanted Spain, i. e. as a province, Cic. Att. 12, 7, 1:

    mihi frumento non opus est: nummos volo,

    I want the money, id. Verr. 2, 3, 85, § 196:

    non poterat scilicet negare se velle pacem,

    id. Att. 15, 1 a, 3; cf. id. ib. 13, 32, 2 (v. II. C. 4. infra):

    si amplius obsidum (= plures obsides) vellet, dare pollicentur,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 9 fin.:

    pacem etiam qui vincere possunt, volunt,

    Liv. 7, 40, 18:

    ferunt (eum)... honestum finem voluisse,

    Tac. A. 6, 26:

    cum Scipio veram vellet et sine exceptione victoriam,

    Flor. 1, 33 (2, 18), 12:

    mensae munera si voles secundae, Marcentes tibi porrigentur uvae,

    Mart. 5, 78, 11.—
    Neutr. adjj., denoting things, substantively used: utrum vis opta, dum licet. La. Neutrum volo, Plaut. Ps. 3, 6, 16:

    quorum isti neutrum volunt,

    acknowledge neither, Cic. Fat. 12, 28:

    voluimus quaedam, contendimus... Obtenta non sunt,

    we aspired to certain things, id. Balb. 27, 61:

    restat ut omnes unum velint,

    hold one opinion, id. Marcell. 10, 32:

    si plura velim,

    if I wished for more, Hor. C. 3, 16, 38:

    per quod probemus aliud legislatorem voluisse,

    that the law-giver intended something different, Quint. 7, 6, 8:

    ut putent, aliud quosdam dicere, aliud velle,

    that they say one thing and mean another, id. 9, 2, 85:

    utrum is qui scripsit... voluerit,

    which of the two was meant by the author, id. 7, 9, 15:

    ut nemo contra id quod vult dicit, ita potest melius aliquid velle quam dicit,

    mean better than he speaks, id. 9, 2, 89:

    quis enim pudor omnia velle?

    to desire every thing, Mart. 12, 94, 11.—
    With neutr. demonstr. expressed or understood, to want, intend, aim at, like, will:

    immo faenus: id primum volo,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 64:

    proximum quod sit bono... id volo,

    id. Capt. 2, 2, 22:

    nisi ea quae tu vis volo,

    unless my purpose is the same as yours, id. Ep. 2, 2, 82:

    siquidem id sapere'st, velle te id quod non potest contingere,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 83:

    hoc (i. e. otium cum dignitate) qui volunt omnes optimates putantur,

    who aim at this, Cic. Sest. 45, 98:

    privatum oportet in re publica ea velle quae tranquilla et honesta sint,

    id. Off. 1, 34, 124:

    quid est sapientia? Semper idem velle atque idem nolle,

    Sen. Ep. 20, 5:

    pudebit eadem velle quae volueras puer,

    id. ib. 27, 2:

    nec volo quod cruciat, nec volo quod satiat,

    Mart. 1, 57, 4.—With demonstr. in place of inf.-clause:

    hoc Ithacus velit, et magno mercentur Atridae (sc. poenas in me sumi),

    Verg. A. 2, 104:

    hoc velit Eurystheus, velit hoc germana Tonantis (sc. verum esse, Herculem, etc.),

    Ov. H. 9, 7; Hor. S. 2, 3, 88.—
    With neutr. of interrog. pron.: quid nunc vis? Am. Sceleste, at etiam quid velim, id tu me rogas? what do you want now? Plaut. Am. 4, 2, 5:

    eloquere quid velis,

    id. Cas. 2, 4, 2: heus tu! Si. Quid vis? id. Ps. 4, 7, 21; so Ter. Eun. 2, 1, 11; cf. Hor. S. 2, 3, 152:

    sed plane quid velit nescio,

    what his intentions are, Cic. Att. 15, 1 a, 5; id. de Or. 2, 20, 84:

    mittunt etiam ad dominos qui quaerant quid velint,

    to ask for their orders, id. Tusc. 2, 17, 41:

    quid? Si haec... ipsius amici judicarunt? Quid amplius vultis?

    what more do you require, will you have? id. Verr. 2, 3, 65, § 152:

    quid amplius vis?

    Hor. Epod. 17, 30:

    spectatur quid voluerit scriptor,

    we find out the author's intention, Quint. 7, 10, 1.—Sometimes quid vult = quid sibi vult (v. 4. b.), to mean, signify:

    capram illam suspicor jam invenisse... quid voluerit,

    what it signified, Plaut. Merc. 2, 1, 30:

    sed tamen intellego quid velit,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 31, 101:

    quid autem volunt ea di immortales significantes quae sine interpretibus non possimus intellegere? etc.,

    id. Div. 2, 25, 54.—Of things as subjects:

    hunc ensem mittit tibi... Et jubet ex merito scire quid iste velit,

    Ov. H. 11, 96.—
    With rel. pron.:

    quod volui, ut volui, impetravi... a Philocomasio,

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 5, 1:

    ut quod frons velit oculi sciant,

    that the eyes know what the forehead wants, id. Aul. 4, 1, 13:

    illi quae volo concedere,

    to yield to him my wishes, id. Cas. 2, 3, 49:

    si illud quod volumus dicitur,

    what we like, id. Truc. 1, 2, 95:

    multa eveniunt homini quae volt, quae nevolt,

    id. Trin. 2, 2, 84; id. Ep. 2, 2, 4:

    quamquam (litterae tuae) semper aliquid adferunt quod velim,

    Cic. Att. 11, 11, 1:

    quae vellem quaeque sentirem dicendi,

    id. Marcell. 1, 1:

    uti ea quae vellent impetrarent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 31:

    satis animi ad id quod tam diu vellent,

    to carry out what they had desired so long, Liv. 4, 54, 5:

    sed quod volebant non... expediebant,

    their purpose, id. 24, 23, 9. —Idiomatically: quod volo = quod demonstrare volo, what I intend to prove:

    illud quod volumus expressum est, ut vaticinari furor vera soleat,

    Cic. Div. 1, 31, 67:

    bis sumpsit quod voluit,

    he has twice begged the question, id. ib. 2, 52, 107.—With indef. relations:

    cornucopia ubi inest quidquid volo,

    whatever I wish for, Plaut. Ps. 2, 3, 5:

    Caesar de Bruto solitus est dicere: magni refert hic quid velit, sed quidquid volt, valde volt,

    whatever he wills he wills strongly, Cic. Att. 14, 1, 2.—
    With indef. pronn.
    Si quid vis, if you want any thing: illo praesente mecum agito si quid voles, [p. 2008] Plaut. Most. 5, 1, 72: Py. Adeat si quid volt. Pa. Si quid vis, adi, mulier, id. Mil. 4, 2, 47:

    eumque Alexander cum rogaret, si quid vellet, ut diceret,

    id. Or. 2, 66, 266; Caes. B. G. 1, 7 fin.
    Nisi quid vis, unless you wish to give some order, to make some remark, etc.:

    ego eo ad forum nisi quid vis,

    Plaut. As. 1, 1, 94:

    nunc de ratione videamus, nisi quid vis ad haec,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 18, 42.—
    Numquid vis or ecquid vis? have you any orders to give? a formula used by inferiors before leaving their superiors; cf. Don. ad Ter. Ad. 2, 2, 39:

    visunt, quid agam, ecquid velim,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 113:

    numquid vis aliud?

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 111; 1, 2, 106; id. Ad. 2, 2, 39; 3, 3, 78; id. Hec. 2, 2, 30:

    numquid vellem rogavit,

    Cic. Att. 6, 3, 6:

    frequentia rogantium num quid vellet,

    Liv. 6, 34, 7:

    rogavit num quid in Sardiniam vellet. Te puto saepe habere qui num quid Romam velis quaerant,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 2, 1.—
    With acc. of the person: aliquem velle.
    To want somebody, i. e. in order to see him, to speak with him (ante-class. and colloq.):

    Demenaetum volebam,

    I wanted, wished to see, Demenoetus, Plaut. As. 2, 3, 12:

    bona femina et malus masculus volunt te,

    id. Cist. 4, 2, 40:

    solus te solum volo,

    id. Capt. 3, 4, 70:

    quia non est intus quem ego volo,

    id. Mil. 4, 6, 40:

    hae oves volunt vos,

    id. Bacch. 5, 2, 24:

    quis me volt? Perii, pater est,

    Ter. And. 5, 3, 1:

    centuriones trium cohortium me velle postridie,

    Cic. Att. 10, 16, 4.—With paucis verbis or paucis, for a few words ( moments):

    volo te verbis pauculis,

    Plaut. Ep. 3, 4, 28:

    sed paucis verbis te volo, Palaestrio,

    id. Mil. 2, 4, 22:

    Sosia, Adesdum, paucis te volo,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 2.—
    To love, like somebody, to be fond of somebody (anteclass. and poet.):

    hanc volo (= amo),

    Plaut. As. 5, 1, 18:

    sine me amare unum Argyrippum... quem volo,

    id. ib. 3, 2, 38:

    quom quae te volt, eamdem tu vis,

    id. Mil. 4, 2, 80:

    aut quae (vitia) corpori' sunt ejus siquam petis ac vis,

    Lucr. 4, 1152:

    quam volui nota fit arte mea,

    Ov. Am. 1, 10, 60: nolo virum, facili redimit qui sanguine famam: hunc volo, laudari qui sine morte potest, I like the one who, etc., Mart. 1, 8, 6.—
    To wish to have:

    roga, velitne an non uxorem,

    whether he wishes to have his wife or not, Ter. Hec. 4, 1, 43:

    ut sapiens velit gerere rem publicam, atque... uxorem adjungere, et velle ex ea liberos (anacoluth.),

    Cic. Fin. 3, 20, 68.—

    With two accusatives: (narrato) illam te amare et velle uxorem,

    that you wish to have her as your wife, Ter. Heaut. 4, 3, 25; cf. id. Phorm. 1, 2, 65.—
    With two accusatives, of the person and the thing: aliquem aliquid velle, to want something of somebody (cf.: aliquem aliquid rogare; mostly ante-class.;

    not in Cic.): numquid me vis?

    Plaut. Cist. 1, 1, 120:

    face certiorem me quid meus vir me velit,

    id. Cas. 2, 6, 1:

    num quidpiam me vis aliud?

    id. Truc. 2, 4, 81:

    nunc verba in pauca conferam quid te velim,

    id. As. 1, 1, 74:

    narrabit ultro quid sese velis,

    id. Ps. 2, 4, 60:

    quid me voluisti?

    id. Mil. 4, 2, 35:

    numquid aliud me vis?

    Ter. Phorm. 1, 2, 101:

    quin tu uno verbo dic quid est quod me velis,

    id. And. 1, 1, 18; Plaut. Capt. 3, 4, 85; id. Cist. 2, 3, 49; id. As. 2, 3, 12; id. Merc. 5, 2, 27; id. Pers. 4, 6, 11; Ter. Heaut. 4, 8, 31; id. Phorm. 2, 4, 18; id. Eun. 2, 3, 47; id. Hec. 3, 4, 15:

    si quid ille se velit, illum ad se venire oportere,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 34:

    cum mirabundus quidnam (Taurea) sese vellet, resedisset Flaccus, Me quoque, inquit, etc.,

    Liv. 26, 15, 11; also, I want to speak with somebody (v. 2. a. a):

    paucis, Euclio, est quod te volo,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 2, 22:

    est quod te volo secreto,

    id. Bacch. 5, 2, 33.—
    With acc. of thing and dat. of the person: aliquid alicui velle, to wish something to somebody (= cupio aliquid alicui; v. cupio;

    rare): quamquam vobis volo quae voltis, mulieres,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 1:

    si ex me illa liberos vellet sibi,

    Ter. Hec. 4, 4, 33:

    praesidium velle se senectuti suae,

    id. ib. 1, 2, 44:

    nihil est mali quod illa non initio filio voluerit, optaverit,

    Cic. Clu. 66, 188:

    rem Romanam huc provectam ut externis quoque gentibus quietem velit,

    Tac. A. 12, 11:

    cui ego omnia meritissimo volo et debeo,

    to whom I give and owe my best wishes, Quint. 9, 2, 35.—Esp., in the phrase quid vis (vult) with reflex. dat. of interest, lit. what do you want for yourself?
    Quid tibi vis = quid vis, the dat. being redundant (rare):

    quid aliud tibi vis?

    what else do you want? Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 90.—With quisque:

    haud ita vitam agerent ut nunc plerumque videmus Quid sibi quisque velit nescire,

    be ignorant as to their own aims and purposes, Lucr. 3, 1058.—
    What do you mean? what do you drive at? what is your scope, object, drift (rare in post-Aug. writers; Don. ad Ter. Eun. prol. 45, declares it an archaism).
    In 1 st pers. (rare):

    nunc quid processerim huc, et quid mihi voluerim dicam,

    and what I meant thereby, what was the purpose of my coming, Plaut. As. prol. 6:

    quid mihi volui? quid mihi nunc prodest bona voluntas?

    Sen. Ben. 4, 21, 6.—
    In 2 d pers.:

    quid nunc tibi vis, mulier, memora,

    what is the drift of your talk? Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 60: sed quid nunc tibi vis? what do you want to come at (i.e. by your preamble)? id. Poen. 1, 1, 24: quid tu tibi vis? Ego non tangam meam? what do you mean? i. e. what is your purpose? Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 28:

    quid tibi vis? quid cum illa rei tibi est?

    id. ib. 4, 7, 34:

    quid est quod sic gestis? quid sibi hic vestitus quaerit? Quid est quod laetus sis? quid tibi vis?

    what do you mean by all this? id. ib. 3, 5, 11:

    quid est, inepta? quid vis tibi? quid rides?

    id. ib. 5, 6, 6:

    quid vis tibi? Quid quaeris?

    id. Heaut. 1, 1, 9: Ph. Fabulae! Ch. Quid vis tibi? id. Phorm. 5, 8, 53:

    roganti ut se in Asiam praefectum duceret, Quid tibi vis, inquit, insane,

    Cic. Or. 2, 67, 269; so in 2 d pers. plur.:

    pro deum fidem, quid vobis vultis?

    Liv. 3, 67, 7.—
    In 3 d pers.:

    quid igitur sibi volt pater? cur simulat?

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 1:

    quid hic volt veterator sibi?

    id. ib. 2, 6, 26:

    proinde desinant aliquando me isdem inflare verbis: quid sibi iste vult?... Cur ornat eum a quo desertus est?

    Cic. Dom. 11, 29:

    quid sibi vellet (Caesar)? cur in suas possessiones veniret?

    Caes. B. G. 1, 44 med.:

    conicere in eum oculos, mirantes quid sibi vellet (i. e. by courting the plebeians),

    Liv. 3, 35, 5:

    qui quaererent quid sibi vellent qui armati Aventinum obsedissent,

    id. 3, 50, 15:

    quid sibi voluit providentia quae Aridaeum regno imposuit?

    Sen. Ben. 4, 31, 1: volt, non volt dare Galla mihi, nec dicere possum quod volt et non volt, quid sibi Galla velit, Mart: 3, 90, 2.—
    Transf. of things as subjects, what means, what signifies? quid volt sibi, Syre, haec oratio? Ter. Heaut. 4, 1, 2:

    ut pernoscatis quid sibi Eunuchus velit,

    id. Eun. prol. 45:

    quid ergo illae sibi statuae equestres inauratae volunt?

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 61, § 150:

    quid haec sibi horum civium Romanorum dona voluerunt?

    id. ib. 2, 3, 80, §

    186: avaritia senilis quid sibi velit, non intellego,

    what is the meaning of the phrase, id. Sen. 18, 66:

    quid ergo illa sibi vult pars altera orationis qua Romanos a me cultos ait?

    Liv. 40, 12, 14:

    tacitae quid vult sibi noctis imago?

    Ov. M. 9, 473.—
    Bene or male alicui velle, to wish one well or ill, to like or dislike one (ante-class. and poet.): Ph. Bene volt tibi. St. Nequam est illud verbum bene volt, nisi qui bene facit, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 37 sq.:

    jam diu ego huic bene et hic mihi volumus,

    id. Ps. 1, 3, 4:

    ut tibi, dum vivam, bene velim plus quam mihi,

    id. Cas. 2, 8, 30:

    egone illi ut non bene vellem?

    id. Truc. 2, 4, 90; cf. id. ib. 2, 4, 95; id. Merc. 2, 1, 21; id. Ps. 4, 3, 7; id. Poen. 3, 3, 9:

    nisi quod tibi bene ex animo volo,

    Ter. Heaut. 5, 2, 6:

    quo tibi male volt maleque faciet,

    Plaut. Pers. 5, 2, 44:

    atque isti etiam parum male volo,

    id. Truc. 5, 7; cf. id. As. 5, 1, 13:

    utinam sic sient qui mihi male volunt,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 3, 13:

    non sibi male vult,

    he does not dislike himself, Petr. 38; so, melius or optime alicui velle, to like one better or best:

    nec est quisquam mihi aeque melius quoi vellem,

    Plaut. Capt. 3, 5, 42; id. Merc. 5, 2, 57:

    illi ego ex omnibus optime volo,

    id. Most. 1, 4, 24.—And bene velle = velle: bene volueris in precatione augurali Messalla augur ait, significare volueris, Fest. s. v. bene sponsis, p. 351.—
    With abl.: alicujus causa velle, to like one for his own sake, i. e. personally, a Ciceronian phrase, probably inst. of omnia alicujus causa velle; lit. to wish every thing (i.e. good) in somebody's behalf.
    With omnia expressed: etsi mihi videor intellexisse cum tecum de re M. Annaeii locutus sum, te ipsius causa vehementer omnia velle, tamen, etc.... ut non dubitem quin magnus cumulus accedat commenda tionis meae, Cic. Fam. 13, 55, 1:

    repente coepit dicere, se omnia Verris causa velle,

    that he had the most friendly disposition towards Verres, id. Verr. 2, 2, 26, § 64:

    accedit eo quod Varro magnopere ejus causa vult omnia,

    id. Fam. 13, 22, 1.—
    Without omnia:

    per eos qui nostra causa volunt, valentque apud illum,

    Cic. Att. 11, 8, 1:

    sed et Phameae causa volebam,

    id. ib. 13, 49, 1:

    etsi te ipsius Attici causa velle intellexeram,

    id. ib. 16, 16, A, 6:

    valde enim ejus causa volo,

    id. Fam. 16, 17, 2 fin.:

    illud non perficis quo minus tua causa velim,

    id. ib. 3, 7, 6;

    12, 7, 1: si me velle tua causa putas,

    id. ib. 7, 17, 2:

    regis causa si qui sunt qui velint,

    id. ib. 1, 1, 1:

    credo tua causa velle Lentulum,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 4, 5; id. Div. in Caecil. 6, 21; cf. id. Imp. Pomp. (v. C. 1. b. supra), where the phrase has its literal meaning; cf. also: alicujus causa (omnia) cupere; v. cupio.—
    With acc. and subjunct. per ecthesin (ante-class.): nunc ego illum meum virum veniat velim (by mixture of constructions: meum virum velim; and:

    meus vir veniat velim),

    Plaut. Cas. 3, 2, 29:

    nunc ego Simonidem mi obviam veniat velim,

    id. Ps. 4, 5, 10:

    nimis hercle ego illum corvum ad me veniat velim,

    id. Aul. 4, 6, 4:

    saltem aliquem velim qui mihi ex his locis viam monstret,

    id. Rud. 1, 3, 35:

    patrem atque matrem viverent vellem tibi,

    id. Poen. 5, 2, 106; cf. id. Merc. 2, 1, 30 (v. E. 1. d. supra).
    Velle used absolutely, variously rendered to will, have a will, wish, consent, assent:

    quod vos, malum... me sic ludificamini? Nolo volo, volo nolo rursum,

    I nill I will, I will I nill again, Ter. Phorm. 5, 8, 57: novi ingenium mulierum: Nolunt ubi velis, ubi nolis cupiunt ultro, they will not where you will, etc., id. Eun. 4, 7, 43:

    quis est cui velle non liceat?

    who is not free to wish? Cic. Att. 7, 11. 2:

    in magnis et voluisse sat est,

    Prop. 2, 10 (3, 1), 6:

    tarde velle nolentis est,

    slow ness in consenting betrays the desire to refuse, Sen. Ben. 2, 5, 4:

    quae (animalia) nullam injuriam nobis faciunt, quia velle non possunt, id. Ira, 2, 26, 4: ejus est nolle qui potest velle,

    the power to assent implies the power to dissent, Dig. 50, 17, 3.—So velle substantively:

    sed ego hoc ipsum velle miserius duco quam in crucem tolli,

    that very wishing, Cic. Att. 7, 11, 2: inest enim velle in carendo, the word carere implies the notion of a wish, id. Tusc. 1, 36, 88:

    velle ac posse in aequo positum erat,

    his will and power were balanced, Val. Max. 6, 9, ext. 5:

    velle tuum nolo, Didyme, nolle volo,

    Mart. 5, 83, 2:

    velle suum cuique est,

    each has his own likings, Pers. 5, 53.
    In partic.
    Redundant, when the will to do is identified with the act itself.
    In imperative sentences.
    In independent sentences introduced by noli velle, where noli has lost the idea of volition:

    nolite, judices, hunc velle maturius exstingui vulnere vestro quam suo fato,

    do not resolve, Cic. Cael. 32, 79:

    nolite igitur id velle quod fieri non potest,

    id. Phil. 7, 8, 25: qui timor bonis omnibus injectus sit... nolite a me commoneri velle, do not wish, expect, to be reminded by me, etc., id. Mur. 25, 50: nolite hunc illi acerbum nuntium velle perferri, let it not be your decision that, etc., id. Balb. 28, 64: cujus auspicia pro vobis experti nolite adversus vos velle experiri, do not desire, etc., Liv. 7, 40, 16:

    noli adversum eos me velle ducere, etc.,

    Nep. Att. 4, 2.—
    Ne velis or ne velit fecisse = ne feceris, or ne facito (v. I. A. 3. a. supra).—So ne velis with pres. inf.:

    neve, revertendi liber, abesse velis (= neve abfueris),

    Ov. H. 1, 80.—
    In affirmative imperative sentences (velim esse = esto;

    rare): tu tantum fida sorori Esse velis (= fida esto or sis),

    Ov. M. 2, 745; and in 3 d pers.:

    di procul a cunctis... Hujus notitiam gentis habere velint (= habeant),

    id. P. 1, 7, 8:

    credere modo qui discet velit (= credat qui discet),

    Quint. 8, prooem. 12. —
    In clauses dependent on verbs of commanding and wishing:

    aut quia significant divam praedicere ut armis Ac virtute velint patriam defendere terram (= ut defendant),

    Lucr. 2, 641: precor quaesoque ne ante oculos patris facere et pati omnia infanda velis (= facias et patiaris). Liv. 23, 9, 2:

    monentes ne experiri vellet imperium cujus vis, etc.,

    id. 2, 59, 4; 39, 13, 2:

    et mea... opto Vulnera qui fecit facta levare velit,

    Ov. Tr. 5, 2, 18: nos contra (oravimus) [p. 2009]... ne vertere secum Cuncta pater fatoque urguenti incumbere vellet, Verg. A. 2, 653. —With pass. perf. inf. (v. I. B. 9. b. b):

    legati Sullam orant ut filii innocentis fortunas conservatas velit (virtually = fortunas conservet),

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 9, 25:

    a te peto ut utilitatem sociorum per te quam maxime defensam et auctam velis (= defendas et augeas),

    id. Fam. 13, 9, 3.—So after utinam or ut:

    utinam illi qui prius eum viderint me apud eum velint adjutum tantum quantum ego vellem si quid possem (= utinam illi me adjuvent quantum ego adjuvarem, etc.),

    id. Att. 11, 7, 7:

    cautius ut saevo velles te credere Marti (= utinam te credidisses),

    Verg. A. 11, 153:

    edictum praemittit ad quam diem magistratus... sibi esse praesto Cordubae vellet (= sibi praesto essent),

    Caes. B. C. 1, 19 (cf. also I. B. 9. b. b, and I. B. 2. fin. supra).—
    In conditional clauses, si facere velim = si faciam, often rendered by the potential or future auxiliaries would or will:

    non tu scis, Bacchae bacchanti si velis advorsarier, ex insana insaniorem facies? (= si advorseris),

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 80:

    si meum Imperium exsequi voluisset, interemptam oportuit (= si executus esset),

    Ter. Heaut. 4, 1, 22:

    si id confiteri velim, tamen istum condemnetis necesse est (= si id confitear),

    if I would acknowledge, Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 18, § 45:

    si quis velit ita dicere... nihil dicat (= si quis dicat),

    id. Fat. 14, 32:

    dies deficiat si velim numerare, etc.,

    id. N. D. 3, 32, 81;


    id. Tusc. 5, 35, 102; id. Verr. 2, 2, 21, § 52:

    qua in sententia si constare voluissent, suam auctoritatem... recuperassent,

    id. Fam. 1, 9, 14; id. Verr. 2, 1, 11, § 31; id. Lael. 20, 75:

    conicere potestis, si recordari volueritis quanta, etc.,

    if you will remember, id. Verr. 2, 4, 58, § 129; so id. Or. 1, 44, 197; id. Brut. 1, 2, 5:

    quod si audire voletis externa, maximas res publicas ab adulescentibus labefactatas reperietis,

    id. Sen. 6, 20; so id. Or. 1, 60, 256; 2, 23, 95:

    ejus me compotem voti vos facere potestis, si meminisse vultis, non vos in Samnio, etc.,

    Liv. 7, 40, 5; 23, 13, 6; 23, 15, 4: cum olera Diogeni lavanti Aristippus dixisset: si Dionysium adulare velles, ista non esses;

    Imo, inquit, si tu ista esse velles, non adulares Dionysium,

    Val. Max. 4, 3, ext. 4:

    ut si his (legibus) perpetuo uti voluissent, sempiternum habituri fuerint imperium,

    id. 5, 3, ext. 3:

    quid enim si mirari velit, non in silvestribus dumis poma pendere,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 10, 6; cf. Curt. 5, 1, 1; 3, 5, 6; Ov. H. 17 (18), 43.—With perf. inf. pass.:

    nisi ea (opera) certi auctores monumentis suis testata esse voluissent,

    Val. Max. 3, 2, 24.—
    In declarative sentences.
    Volo in 1 st pers. with perf. pass. inf. or part. (volo oratum esse or oratum = oro; v. I. B. 9. b. a and b):

    vos omnes opere magno esse oratos volo benigne ut operam detis, etc.,

    Plaut. Cas. prol. 21:

    justam rem et facilem esse oratam a vobis volo,

    id. Am. prol. 33:

    illud tamen te esse admonitum volo, etc.,

    Cic. Cael. 3, 8:

    sed etiam est paucis vos quod monitos voluerim,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 53:

    illud te, Tulli, monitum velim etc.,

    Liv. 1, 23, 8:

    quamobrem omnes eos oratos volo Ne, etc.,

    Ter. Heaut. prol. 26; so, factum volo = faciam: serva tibi sodalem, et mihi filium. Mne. Factum volo, I will, Plaut. Bacch. 3, 3, 91: pariter nunc opera me adjuves ac, etc. Nau. Factum volo, Ter. Phorm. 5, 3, 4; so Plaut. Pers. 2, 5, 10.—In 3 d pers.:

    esse salutatum vult te mea littera primum,

    Ov. P. 2, 7, 1.—
    With pres. inf.:

    propterea te vocari ad cenam volo (= voco te),

    Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 72:

    sed nunc rogare hoc ego vicissim te volo: quid fuit, etc. (= nunc te rogo),

    id. Trin. 1, 2, 136.—
    With perf. act. inf.:

    pace tua dixisse velim (= pace tua dixerim),

    Ov. P. 3, 1, 9.—
    In other connections, when the will or purpose is made more prominent than the action:

    eorum alter, qui Antiochus vocatur, iter per Siciliam facere voluit (= fecit),

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 27, § 61:

    si suscipere eam (religionem) nolletis, tamen in eo qui violasset sancire vos velle oporteret (= sancire vos oporteret),

    id. ib. 2, 4, 51, §

    114: ut insequentibus diebus nemo eorum forum aut publicum adspicere vellet (= adspiceret),

    Liv. 9, 7, 11:

    talentis mille percussorem in me emere voluisti (= emisti),

    Curt. 3, 5, 6: quin etiam senatus gratias ei agentem quod redire voluisset ante portas eduxit (= quod redisset), Val. Max. 3, 4, 4:

    utri prius gratulemur, qui hoc dicere voluit, an cui audire contigit? (= qui hoc dixit),

    id. 4, 7, ext. 2:

    sic tua non paucae carpere facta volent (= carpent),

    Ov. P. 3, 1, 64.
    Velim, as potential subjunctive (mostly in 1 st pers. sing., as subjunctive of modest statement), = volo, I wish, I should like.
    With verb in the second person.
    With pres. subj., so most frequently in Cic.
    As a modest imperative of the dependent verb: velim facias = fac, I wish you would do it, please do it:

    ego quae in rem tuam sint, ea velim facias,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 4, 9:

    eas (litteras) in eundem fasciculum velim addas,

    Cic. Att. 12, 53:

    eum salvere jubeas velim,

    id. ib. 7, 7, 7:

    velim me facias certiorem, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 19, 9:

    tu velim saepe ad nos scribas,

    id. ib. 1, 12, 4:

    velim mihi ignoscas,

    id. Fam. 13, 75, 1:

    tu velim animum a me parumper avertas,

    id. Lael. 1, 5; cf. id. Att. 1, 11, 3; 7, 3, 11; 8, 12, 5; id. Fam. 15, 3, 2 et saep.:

    haec pro causa mea dicta accipiatis velim,

    Liv. 42, 34, 13: velim, inquit, hoc mihi probes, Aug. ap. Suet. Aug. 51:

    Musa velim memores, etc.,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 53.—
    Expressing a wish without a command (v. vellem):

    vera dicas velim,

    I wish you told the truth, Plaut. Cas. 2, 3, 18:

    quam velim Bruto persuadeas ut Asturae sit,

    Cic. Att. 14, 15, 4:

    ipse velim poenas experiare meas,

    Ov. Tr. 3, 11, 74;

    so in asseverations: ita velim me promerentem ames, dum vivas, mi pater, ut... id mihi vehementer dolet,

    Ter. Ad. 4, 5, 47.—
    With infinitive clause.
    With the force of a modest imperative:

    sed qui istuc credam ita esse, mihi dici velim (i. e. a te),

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 6, 15:

    extremum illud est quod mihi abs te responderi velim,

    Cic. Vat. 17, 41 (may be a dependent subjunctive):

    itaque vos ego, milites, non eo solum animo.... pugnare velim, etc.,

    Liv. 21, 41, 10.—
    As a mere wish:

    velim te arbitrari, frater, etc.,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 1, 1:

    primum te arbitrari id quod res est velim,

    Ter. Eun. 5, 5, 9.—With perf. act.:

    hanc te quoque ad ceteras tuas eximias virtutes, Masinissa, adjecisse velim,

    Liv. 30, 14, 6.—With perf. pass., Liv. 1, 23, 8 (v. II. A. 3. a. supra).—
    With ut (rare):

    de tuis velim ut eo sis animo, quo debes esse,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 14, 4. —
    With ne (rare), Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 23 (v. I. C. 2. supra).—
    With dependent verb in the third person, expressing a wish.
    With pres. subj.:

    ita se defatigent velim Ut, etc.,

    Ter. Ad. 4, 1, 3:

    de Cicerone quae mihi scribis, jucunda mihi sunt: velim sint prospera,

    Cic. Att. 14, 11, 2:

    velim seu Himilco, seu Mago respondeat,

    Liv. 23, 12, 15:

    sint haec vera velim,

    Verg. Cir. 306:

    nulla me velim syllaba effugiat,

    Quint. 11, 2, 45.—With final clause:

    tu velim mihi ad urbem praesto sis, ut tuis consiliis utar,

    Cic. Att. 9, 16, 3; cf. id. ib. 11, 11, 2 (v. I. C. 2. supra).—With ellips. of pres. subj.:

    velim mehercule Asturae Brutus (i. e. sit),

    Cic. Att. 14, 11, 1.—
    With perf. subj. (a wish referring to the past):

    nimis velim improbissumo homini malas edentaverint,

    Plaut. Rud. 3, 2, 48.—
    With inf.-clause:

    ne ego nunc mihi modium mille esse argenti velim!

    Plaut. Stich. 4, 2, 9: di me perdant! Me. Quodcunque optes, velim tibi contingere, id. Cist. 2, 1, 30:

    velim eum tibi placere quam maxime,

    Cic. Brut. 71, 249: idque primum ita esse velim;

    deinde etiam, si non sit, mihi persuaderi tamen velim,

    id. Tusc. 1, 11, 24:

    quod faxitis, deos velim fortunare,

    Liv. 6, 41, 12.—With perf. pass. inf. (v. I. B. 9. b. b, supra):

    edepol te hodie lapide percussum velim,

    Plaut. Stich. 4, 2, 33:

    moribus praefectum mulierum hunc factum velim,

    id. Aul. 3, 5, 30.—With inf.-clause understood:

    nimium plus quam velim nostrorum ingenia sunt mobilia,

    Liv. 2, 37, 4.—
    With verb in the first person.
    With inf. pres. (so most freq.):

    atque hoc velim probare omnibus, etc.,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 20, 47:

    velim scire ecquid de te recordere,

    id. Tusc. 1, 6, 13:

    quare te, ut polliceris, videre plane velim,

    id. Att. 11, 9, 3:

    nec vero velim... a calce ad carceres revocari,

    id. Sen. 23, 83:

    sed multitudo ea quid animorum... habeat scire velim,

    Liv. 23, 12, 7:

    interrogare tamen velim, an Isocrates Attice dixerit,

    Quint. 12, 10, 22.—With perf. inf. act., Ov. P. 3, 1, 9 (v. II. A. 3. c.).—
    With acc. and inf.:

    quod velis, modo id velim me scire,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 4, 8.—So with perf. pass. inf.:

    ego praeterquam quod nihil haustum ex vano velim, Fabium... potissimum auctorem habui,

    Liv. 22, 7, 4.—
    With subj. pres.:

    eo velim tam facili uti possim et tam bono in me quam Curione,

    Cic. Att. 10, 8, 10 B. and K. ex conj. Mull. (Lachm., Hoffm. posse; al. possem).—
    Velim in the principal sentence of conditional clauses, I would, I should be willing:

    aetatem velim servire, Libanum ut (= si) conveniam modo,

    Plaut. As. 2, 2, 8:

    velim, si fieri possit,

    id. Truc. 2, 4, 12:

    si quid tibi compendi facere possim, factum edepol velim (redundant),

    id. ib. 2, 4, 26:

    si possim, velim,

    id. Stich. 4, 2, 9:

    nec velim (imitari orationes Thucydidis) si possim,

    Cic. Brut. 83, 287:

    si liceat, nulli cognitus esse velim,

    Ov. Tr. 5, 12, 42.—
    The other persons of velim in potential use (rare).
    Imperatively = cupito:

    quoniam non potest fieri quod vis, Id velis quod possit,

    Ter. And. 2, 1, 6:

    atque aliquos tamen esse velis tibi, alumna, penates,

    Verg. Cir. 331.—
    Declaratively with indef. subj.: quom inopia'st, cupias; quando ejus copia'st, tum non velis, then you (i.e. people, they) do not want it, Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 45.—
    Redundant, as a form of the imperative of the dependent verb, Ov. Am. 1, 4, 38 (v. I. A. 3. a. b); id. H. 1, 80 (v. II. A. 1. b.); id. M. 2, 746 (v. II. A. 1. c.).—
    Modestly for vult:

    te super aetherias licentius auras Haud pater ille velit, etc.,

    Verg. A. 7, 558: nemo enim minui velit id in quo maximus fuit, would like that to be diminished in which, etc., Quint. 12, 11, 6; cf. Verg. A. 2, 104, and Ov. H. 9, 7 (v. I. E. 1. c. supra).— So, poet., instead of vellet with perf. inf.:

    ut fiat, quid non illa dedisse velit?

    Ov. Am. 2, 17, 30.—
    = imperative of third person:

    arma velit, poscatque simul rapiatque juventus,

    Verg. A. 7, 340.—Redundantly, giving to the dependent verb the force of an imperative, Quint. 8, prooem. 12 (v. II. A. 1. c. supra; v. also I. A. 3. a. supra).—
    In the optative sense of velim:

    sed scire velimus quod tibi nomen siet,

    Plaut. Pers. 4, 6, 18.—
    With imperative sense (= let us, we should, etc.), Quint. 6, 3, 28 (v. I. A. 2. d. supra).—
    Velitis = velim velitis (i. e. jubeatis, jubete):

    novos consules ita cum Samnite gerere bellum velitis ut omnia ante nos bella gesta sunt,

    Liv. 9, 8, 10.—So especially in velitis jubeatis, a formula in submitting a law to the votes of the people in the comitia centuriata or tributa, let it be resolved and ordered by you:

    rogatus in haec verba populus: velitis jubeatisne haec sic fieri, si respublica populi Romani Quiritium, etc.,

    Liv. 22, 10, 2:

    velitis jubeatis, Quirites... uti de ea re Ser. Sulpicius praetor urbanus ad senatum referat, etc.,

    id. 38, 54, 3.—And parodied by Cic.:

    velitis jubeatis ut quod Cicero versum fecerit,

    Cic. Pis. 29, 72.—So in oblique discourse, vellent juberent:

    rogationem promulgavit, vellent juberent Philippo... bellum indici,

    Liv. 31, 6, 1:

    vellent juberentne se regnare,

    id. 1, 46, 1; cf.

    in the resolution of the people: plebis sic jussit: quod senatus... censeat, id volumus jubemusque,

    id. 26, 33, 14.—
    Velint, optative and redundant, Cic. Att. 11, 7, 7 (v. II. A. 1. d.); Ov. P. 1, 7, 8 (v. II. A. 1. c.).
    Vellem, as potential subjunctive, I wish, should like, should have liked, representing the wish as contrary to fact, while velim refers to a wish which may be realized:

    de Menedemo vellem verum fuisset, de regina velim verum sit,

    Cic. Att. 15, 4, 4. It is not used with imperative force; cf.:

    quod scribis, putare te... vellem scriberes, cur ita putares... tu tamen velim scribas,

    Cic. Att. 11, 24, 5.—Often quam vellem, how I wish, i. e. I wish very much; and in the same sense: nimium vellem, v. infra.
    With verb in first person.
    With inf. pres., I wish, would like, referring to present or future actions:

    videre equidem vos vellem, cum huic aurum darem,

    Plaut. Poen. 3, 3, 68:

    vellem equidem idem posse gloriari quod Cyrus,

    Cic. Sen. 10, 32:

    vellem equidem vobis placere, Quirites, sed, etc.,

    Liv. 3, 68, 9:

    quam fieri vellem meus libellus!

    Mart. 8, 72, 9.—With cuperem and optarem:

    nunc ego Triptolemi cuperem conscendere currus... Nunc ego Medeae vellem frenare dracones... Nunc ego jactandas optarem sumere pennas, etc.,

    Ov. Tr. 3, 8, 1 sqq.— [p. 2010] Rarely, I should have liked:

    tum equidem istuc os tuum inpudens videre nimium vellem!

    Ter. Eun. 3, 5, 49.—And in conditional sense:

    maerorem minui: dolorem nec potui, nec, si possem, vellem (i. e. minuere),

    Cic. Att. 12, 28, 2:

    certe ego, si sineres, titulum tibi reddere vellem,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 5, 13:

    sic nec amari quidem vellem (i. e. if I were in his place),

    Sen. Ira, 1, 20, 4.—
    With perf. inf., I wish I had:

    abiit, vah! Rogasse vellem,

    I wish I had asked him, Ter. Heaut. 5, 2, 25:

    maxime vellem semper tecum fuisse,

    Cic. Att. 8, 11, D, 5:

    quam vellem petisse ab eo quod audio Philippum impetrasse,

    id. ib. 10, 4, 10:

    non equidem vellem, quoniam nocitura fuerunt, Pieridum sacris imposuisse manum,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 1, 27:

    ante equidem summa de re statuisse, Latini, Et vellem, et fuerat melius,

    Verg. A. 11, 303. —
    With inf.-clause, the predicate being a perf. part. (v. I. B. 9. b. b, supra):

    virum me natam vellem,

    would I had been born a man! Ter. Phorm. 5, 3, 9.—
    With subj. imperf. (rare):

    quam vellem, Panaetium nostrum nobiscum haberemus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 10, 15.—
    The subject of the dependent verb in the second person.
    With subj. imperf. (the regular construction):

    hodie igitur me videbit, ac vellem tum tu adesses,

    I wish you could be present, Cic. Att. 13, 7, 2:

    quam vellem de his etiam oratoribus tibi dicere luberet,

    I wish you would please, id. Brut. 71, 248.—
    With subj. pluperf., I wish you had:

    vellem Idibus Martiis me ad cenam invitasses,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 4, 1:

    quam vellem te ad Stoicos inclinavisses,

    id. Fin. 3, 3, 10:

    vellem suscepisses juvenem regendum,

    id. Att. 10, 6, 2:

    quam vellem Bruto studium tuum navare potuisses,

    id. ib. 15, 4, 5.—
    With ne and pluperf. subj.:

    tu vellem ne veritus esses ne parum libenter legerem tuas litteras,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 33, 2.—
    With ellipsis of verb: vera cantas, vana vellem (i. e. cantares). Plaut. Most. 3, 4, 41.—
    With verb in third person.
    With imperf. subj. (the regular construction):

    patrem atque matrem viverent vellem tibi (per ecthesin, v. I. E. b.),

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 2, 106:

    vellem adesset Antonius, modo sine advocatis,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 7, 16:

    vellem nobis hoc idem vere dicere liceret,

    id. Off. 3, 1, 1:

    vellem adesse posset Panaetius,

    id. Tusc. 1, 33, 81:

    vellem hoc esset laborare,

    id. Or. 2, 71, 287.—
    With pluperf. subj.:

    vellem aliqui ex vobis robustioribus hunc male dicendi locum suscepissent,

    Cic. Cael. 3, 7:

    vellem dictum esset ab eodem etiam de Dione,

    id. ib. 10, 23; so id. ib. 31, 74; id. Brut. 44, 163:

    quam vellem Dareus aliquid ex hac indole hausisset!

    Curt. 3, 32 (12), 26.—
    With inf.-clause.
    With inf. pres., I wish he were:

    quam non abesse ab hujus judicio L. Vulsionem vellem!

    Cic. Clu. 70, 198:

    nunc mihi... Vellem, Maeonide, pectus inesse tuum,

    Ov. F. 2, 120.—
    With perf. inf. or part., I wish he had, had been:

    quam vellem Menedemum invitatum!

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 2, 11:

    epistulas, quas quidem vellem mihi numquam redditas,

    Cic. Att. 11, 22, 1.—

    With ellipsis of predicate: illud quoque vellem antea (i. e. factum, or factum esse),

    Cic. Att. 11, 23, 3.—
    With ut, Cic. Sull. 1, 1; id. Fam. 7, 33, 2 (v. I. C. 1. a. supra).—
    With acc. of a neuter pronoun or of a noun:

    aliquando sentiam us nihil nobis nisi, id quod minime vellem, spiritum reliquum esse,

    Cic. Att. 9, 19, 2: tris eos libros maxime nunc vellem: apti essent ad id quod cogito, I would like to have (cf. I. E. 1. a.), id. ib. 13, 22, 2.—
    In the other persons of vellem (mostly poet.).
    In optative sentences redundant, Verg. A. 11, 153 (v. II. A. 1. d.).—
    Of an indefinite subject:

    velles eum (Senecam) suo ingenio dixisse, alieno judicio,

    Quint. 10, 1, 130.—
    In the potential sense of vellem: vellet abesse quidem;

    sed adest. Velletque videre, Non etiam sentire canum fera facta suorum,

    Ov. M. 3, 247.—

    quis vellet tanti nuntius esse mali (i. e. if in this situation)?

    Ov. H. 12, 146.—
    In the potential sense of vellem:

    quam vellent aethere in alto Nunc of pauperiem et duros perferre labores!

    Verg. A. 6, 436.—
    Conditionally: nec superi vellent hoc licuisse sibi, would wish, i. e. if in this situation, Mart. 4, 44, 8.
    Volam and voluero.
    In gen.: respiciendus erit sermo stipulationis, utrumne talis sit: quem voluero, an quem volam. Nam si talis fuerit quem voluero, cum semel elegerit, mutare voluntatem non poterit;

    si vero... quem volam, donec judicium dictet, mutandi potestatem habebit,

    Dig. 45, 1, 112.—
    Volam in principal sentences.
    = Engl. future, I shall wish, etc.:

    et commeminisse hoc ego volam te,

    I shall require you to recollect this, Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 7: cum omnia habueris, tunc habere et sapientiam voles? will you also wish to have wisdom when? etc., Sen. Ep. 17, 8.—
    Denoting present probability: et scilicet jam me hoc voles patrem exorare, ut, etc., you doubtless wish me, etc., Ter. Heaut. 4, 3, 27.—
    In clauses dependent on predicates implying a future, generally rendered by an English present:

    quid si sors aliter quam voles evenerit?

    otherwise than as you wish, Plaut. Cas. 2, 5, 35:

    tum te, si voles, cum patriae quod debes solveris, satis diu vixisse dicito,

    then if you choose, if you will, Cic. Marcell. 9, 27:

    decedes cum voles,

    id. Att. 6, 3, 2:

    qui magis effugies eos qui volent fingere?

    those who are bent upon inventing, who will invent, falsehoods, id. ib. 8, 2, 2; cf. id. ib. 1, 1, 4; id. Verr. 2, 4, 25, § 55; id. Prov. Cons. 9, 24:

    quod voles gratum esse, rarum effice,

    Sen. Ben. 1, 14, 1; cf. id. Brev. Vit. 7, 9: si di volent, the gods permitting, August. ap. Suet. Calig. 8:

    invenies, vere si reperire voles,

    Ov. P. 3, 1, 34; cf. Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 78; Tib. 1, 4, 45.—So, voluero:

    quem (locum) si qui vitare voluerit, sex milium circuitu in oppidum pervenit,

    who wishes to avoid this spot, Caes. B. C. 2, 24.
    Si vis, parenthetically.
    If you please (cf. sis, supra init.):

    paulum opperirier, Si vis,

    Ter. Eun. 5, 2, 52:

    audi, si vis, nunc jam,

    id. Ad. 2, 1, 30:

    dic, si vis, de quo disputari velis,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 5, 13.—
    If you wish, choose, insist upon it:

    hanc quoque jucunditatem, si vis, transfer in animum,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 4, 14:

    addam, si vis, animi, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 27, 89:

    concedam hoc ipsum, si vis, etc.,

    id. Div. 2, 15, 34.
    Quam, with any person of the pres. indic. or subj., or imperf. subj. or future, = quamvis, in a concessive sense, virtually, however, however much.
    3 d pers. sing.:

    quod illa, quam velit sit potens, numquam impetravisset (= quamvis sit potens),

    however powerful she may be, Cic. Cael. 26, 63:

    C. Gracchus dixit, sibi in somnis Ti. fratrem visum esse dicere, quam vellet cunctaretur, tamen eodem sibi leto... esse pereundum,

    id. Div. 1, 26, 56:

    quam volet jocetur,

    id. N. D. 2, 17, 46.—
    1 st pers. plur.:

    quam volumus licet ipsi nos amemus, tamen, etc.,

    Cic. Har. Resp. 9, 19.—
    2 d pers. plur.: exspectate facinus quam vultis improbum, vincam tamen, etc., expect a crime, however wicked ( ever so wicked), etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 5, § 11;

    but: hac actione quam voletis multi dicent,

    as many as you choose, id. ib. 2, 2, 42, § 102.—
    3 d pers. plur.:

    quam volent illi cedant, tamen a re publica revocabuntur,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 44, 113:

    quam volent in conviviis faceti, dicaces, etc., sint, alia fori vis est, alia triclinii,

    id. Cael. 28, 67;

    but: et ceteri quam volent magnas pecunias capere possint,

    as much money as they choose, id. Verr. 2, 2, 58, § 142.
    Volo = malo, to prefer, with a comparative clause (rare):

    quodsi in ceteris quoque studiis a multis eligere homines commodissimum quodque, quam sese uni alicui certo vellent addicere, = si se eligere mallent quam se uni addicere,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 2, 5:

    malae rei quam nullius duces esse volunt,

    Liv. 3, 68, 11:

    famaene credi velis quanta urbs a te capta sit, quam posteris quoque eam spectando esse?

    id. 25, 29, 6.
    With magis and maxime.
    Magis velle: ut tu illam salvam magis velles quam ego, you wish more than I, etc., Ter. Hec. 2, 2, 17.—
    With maxime, to wish above all, more than any thing or any one else, to be most agreeable to one, to like best, to prefer (among more than two alternatives):

    quia id maxime volo ut illi istoc confugiant,

    wish above all, Plaut. Most. 5, 1, 49; so id. Trin. 3, 2, 38:

    maxime vellem, judices, ut P. Sulla, etc.,

    Cic. Sull. 1, 1:

    caritate nos capiunt reges, consilio optimates, libertate populi, ut in comparando difficile ad eligendum sit, quid maxime velis,

    which you prefer, like best, id. Rep. 1, 35, 55; so, quemadmodum ego maxime vellem, id. Att. 13, 1, 1:

    tris eos libros maxime nunc vellem,

    above all others, id. ib. 13, 32, 2:

    alia excusanti juveni, alia recipienti futura, ita ut maxime vellet senatus responderi placuit,

    as it was most agreeable to him, Liv. 39, 47:

    si di tibi permisissent quo modo maxime velles experiri animum meum,

    in the manner most convenient to yourself, Curt. 3, 6, 12.
    In disjunctive co - ordination.
    With sive... sive:

    tu nunc, sive ego volo, seu nolo, sola me ut vivam facis,

    whether I choose or not, Plaut. Cist. 3, 14:

    itaque Campanos sive velint, sive nolint, quieturos,

    Liv. 8, 2, 13.—
    Without connectives.
    Vis tu... vis:

    congredi cum hoste liceat... vis tu mari, vis terra, vis acie, vis urbibus expugnandis experiri virtutem?

    Liv. 25, 6, 22.—
    Velim nolim.
    Interrogatively, = utrum velim nec ne:

    velit nolit scire, difficile est,

    it is difficult to know whether he intends it or not, Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 8, 4.—
    = seu velim seu nolim:

    ut mihi, velim nolim, sit certa quaedam tuenda sententia,

    whether I will or not, Cic. N. D. 1, 7, 17:

    velim nolim, in cognomine Scipionum haeream necesse est,

    Val. Max. 3, 7, 3:

    mors interim adest, cui velis nolis vacandum est,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 8, 5:

    hunc ita fundatum necesse est, velit nolit, sequatur hilaritas continua,

    id. Vit. Beat. 4, 4:

    velint nolint, respondendum est... beate vivere bonum non esse,

    id. Ep. 117, 4:

    praeterea futuri principes, velint nolint, sciant, etc.,

    Plin. Pan. 20 fin. Part. and P. a.: vŏlens, entis.
    As a part. proper, retaining the meaning and construction of velle, with the force of a relative or adverbial clause.
    Agreeing with some member of the sentence ( poet. and in post-class. prose;

    rare): neque illum... multa volentem Dicere praeterea vidit (= qui multa voluit dicere),

    Verg. G. 4, 501; id. A. 2, 790:

    nec me vis ulla volentem Avertet (i. e. si adhaerere foederi volo),

    id. ib. 12, 203: decemviri, minuere volentes hujuscemodi violentiam... putaverunt, etc., intending ( who intended) to diminish such a violence, etc., Gell. 20, 1, 34:

    Milo, experiri etiamtunc volens, an ullae sibi reliquae vires adessent... rescindere quercum conatus est,

    id. 15, 16, 3:

    scio quosdam testatores, efficere volentes ne servi sui umquam ad libertatem venirent, etc., hactenus scribere solitos,

    Dig. 40, 4, 61:

    si te volentem ad prohibendum venire, deterruerit aliquis, etc.,

    ib. 43, 24, 1, § 10.—
    Abl. absol. (not ante-Aug.):

    ne cujus militis scripti nomen nisi ipso volente deleretur,

    except with his consent, Liv. 7, 41, 4; so,

    Teum ex medio cursu classem repente avertit, aut volentibus iis usurus commeatu parato hostibus, aut ipsos pro hostibus habiturus,

    with their consent, id. 37, 27, 3:

    ponuntque ferocia Poeni Corda, volente deo,

    since the god willed it, Verg. A. 1, 303: Thrasippo supplicium a se voluntaria morte exigere volente, while he was about to inflict punishment on himself, etc., Val. Max. 5, 1, ext. 2: scire volentibus immortalibus dis an Romana virtus imperium orbis mereretur, it being the will of the gods to know, etc., Flor. 1, 13, 3 (1, 7, 3): qui sciente aut volente eo ad quem res pertinet, possessionem nanciscitur, with the knowledge and consent of the person who, etc., Dig. 41, 2, 6. —
    As adj., willing, voluntary, and hence, favorably disposed (opp. invitus).
    In the phrase cum dis volentibus, lit. with the willing or favoring gods, i. e. with the will, permission, or favor of the gods: dono ducite doque volentibu' cum magnis dis, Enn. ap. Cic. Off. 1, 12, 38 (Ann. v. 208 Vahl.):

    sequere hac, mea gnata, me cum dis volentibus,

    Plaut. Pers. 3, 1, 4:

    cum dis volentibus quodque bene eveniat mando tibi Mani uti illaec suovetaurilia, etc.,

    Cato, R. R. 141 (142).— And without cum, abl. absol.:

    virtute ac dis volentibus magni estis et opulenti,

    Sall. J. 14, 19.—
    Volenti animo.
    = cupide, eagerly:

    Romae plebes litteris quae de Metello ac Mario missae erant, volenti animo de ambobus acceperant,

    Sall. J. 73, 3. —
    On purpose, intentionally:

    consilio hanc omnes animisque volentibus urbem Adferimur,

    Verg. A. 7, 216.—
    Agreeing with the subject-nom. or subject - acc.
    Voluntarily, willingly, [p. 2011] gladly (class.):

    (hi) divini generis appellentur... vobisque jure et lege volentes pareant,

    Cic. Univ. 11 fin.:

    quas victi ab hostibus poenas metuerant, eas ipsi volentes pendere,

    Sall. J. 76, 6:

    quia volentes in amicitiam non veniebant,

    Liv. 21, 39, 4:

    si volentes ac non coacti mansissent in amicitia,

    id. 24, 37, 7:

    quocunque loco seu volens seu invitus constitisti,

    id. 7, 40, 13:

    itaque se numquam volentem parte qua posset rerum consilio gerendarum cessurum,

    id. 22, 27, 9:

    (virtus), quidquid evenerit, feret, non patiens tantum, sed etiam volens,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 15, 5:

    non est referre gratiam quod volens acceperis nolenti reddere,

    id. Ben. 4, 40, 4:

    volens vos Turnus adoro,

    Verg. A. 10, 677; 3, 457; 6, 146;

    12, 833: date vina volentes,

    id. ib. 8, 275: ipsa autem macie tenuant armenta volentes ( on purpose), id. G. 3, 129.—And referring to subjects denoting things: quos rami fructus, quos ipsa volentia rura Sponte tulere sua, carpsit ( spontaneously and willingly), Verg. G. 2, 500.—
    Favorably; with propitius, favorably and kindly, referring to the gods:

    precantes Jovem ut volens propitius praebeat sacra arma pro patria,

    Liv. 24, 21, 10:

    precantibus ut volens propitiaque urbem Romanam iniret,

    id. 29, 14, 13:

    in ea arce (Victoriam) sacratam, volentem propitiamque, firmam ac stabilem fore populo Romano,

    id. 22, 37, 12; 1, 16, 3; 7, 26, 3; 24, 38, 8; Inscr. Orell. 2489 sq.—Parodied by Plautus:

    agite, bibite, festivae fores! fite mihi volentes propitiae,

    Plaut. Curc. 1, 1, 89.— Abl. absol.:

    omnia diis propitiis volentibusque ea faciemus,

    with the favor and help of the gods, Liv. 39, 16, 11 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    si (Jovem) invocem ut dexter ac volens assit,

    Quint. 4, prooem. 5.—
    Agreeing with other terms of the sentence (rare): volenti consuli causa in Pamphyliam devertendi oblata est, a welcome cause was offered to the consul, etc., Liv. 38, 15, 3:

    quod nobis volentibus facile continget,

    if we wish, Quint. 6, 2, 30:

    is Ariobarzanem volentibus Armeniis praefecit,

    to their satisfaction, Tac. A. 2, 4:

    gemis... hominem, Urse, tuum, cui dulce volenti servitium... erat,

    to whom his servitude was sweet, since he liked it, Stat. S. 2, 6, 15:

    me mea virtus, etc., fatis egere volentem,

    Verg. A. 8, 133:

    saepe ille volentem castigabat erum,

    administered kindly received rebukes, Stat. S. 2, 6, 50.—
    In the phrase aliquid mihi volenti est or putatur, etc., something is welcome, acceptable to me, pleases me (= volens habeo or accipio aliquid; cf. the Gr. Humin tauta boulomenois estin, and, mihi aliquid cupienti est; v. cupio;

    rare but class.): uti militibus exaequatus cum imperatore labos volentibus esset,

    that the equalization of labor was acceptable to the soldier, Sall. J. 100, 4:

    quia neque plebei militia volenti putabatur,

    id. ib. 84, 3 Dietsch:

    grande periculum maritumis civitatibus esse, et quibusdam volentibus novas res fore,

    that to some a change of the government would be welcome, Liv. 21, 50, 10:

    quibus bellum volentibus erat, probare exemplum,

    Tac. Agr. 18.— Impers. with subject - inf.: ceterisque remanere et in verba Vespasiani adigi volentibus fuit, to the rest it was acceptable to remain, etc., Tac. H. 3, 43.—With subject-inf. understood:

    si volentibus vobis erit, in medium profero quae... legisse memini,

    Macr. S. 7, 13, 11:

    si volentibus vobis erit, diem fabulis et epulis exigamus,

    id. ib. 1, 7; 2, 3 fin.; 6, 6 init.
    As subst. (mostly post-Aug.).
    vŏlens, entis, m., = is qui vult, in the different meanings, and often with the construction of the verb.
    One who wishes:

    nunc cis Hiberum castra Romana esse, arcem tutam perfugiumque novas volentibus res,

    Liv. 22, 22, 11:

    consulere se volentibus vacuas aures accommodavit,

    Val. Max. 5, 8, 3:

    quid opus libertate si volentibus luxu perire non licet,

    id. 2, 9, 5:

    discere meliora volentibus promptum est,

    i. e. it depends on our own will to learn better things, Quint. 11, 11, 12:

    nec sum in hoc sollicitus, dum res ipsa volentibus discere appareat,

    to the students, id. 8, 4, 15:

    mori volentibus vis adhibita vivendi,

    Suet. Tib. 61.—
    One who intends, is about:

    juris ignorantia non prodest acquirere volentibus,

    i. e. in the acquisition of property, Dig. 22, 6, 7:

    si quis volentem incipere uti frui prohibuit,

    one who is about to enter upon a usufruct, ib. 43, 16, 3, § 14. —
    One who is willing:

    non refert quid sit quod datur, nisi a volente volenti datur,

    unless it is both willingly given and received, Sen. Ben. 2, 18, 8:

    ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt,

    those willing to follow, id. Ep. 107, 11.—
    One who consents:

    tutiusque rati volentibus quam coactis imperitare,

    to rule men with their consent, Sall. J. 102, 6:

    quippe rempublicam si a volentibus nequeat ab invitis jus expetituram,

    peaceably if they could, forcibly if they must, Liv. 3, 40, 4:

    si quis aliam rem pro alia volenti solverit,

    if one pays with the consent of the receiver, Dig. 46, 3, 46:

    nulla injuria est quae in volentem fiat,

    ib. 47, 10, 1, § 5.—
    One who does a thing voluntarily:

    pecuniam etiam a volentibus acceperant,

    the contributions of money were voluntary, Vell. 2, 62, 3:

    parce, puer, stimulis... (solis equi) Sponte sua properant. Labor est inhibere volentis (i. e. properare),

    Ov. M. 2, 128.—
    Volens = bene volens: munificus nemo habebatur nisi pariter volens, unless he was just as kindly disposed, sc. as he was liberal, Sall. J. 103, 6.—Often referring to a previously mentioned noun:

    hunc cape consiliis socium et conjunge volentem,

    and unite with him, since he wishes it, Verg. A. 5, 712; so may be taken Ov. M. 2, 128 (v. e).—
    In the neutr. plur. (volentia) rare, always with dat., things pleasing, acceptable:

    Pompeius multis suspitionibus volentia plebi facturus habebatur,

    that he would do what pleased the common people, Sall. H. 4, 31 Dietsch:

    haec atque talia plebi volentia fuere,

    Tac. A. 15, 36 Draeg. ad loc. al.:

    iique Muciano volentia rescripsere,

    id. H. 3, 52.—Hence, adv.: vŏlenter, willingly, App. M. 6, p. 178, 4.
    vŏlo, āvi, ātum ( part. gen. plur. volantūm, Verg. A. 6, 728; Lucr. 2, 1083), 1, v. n. [Sanscr. val-, to turn one's self, etc.; cf.: vŏlucer, vēlox, and vol- in velivolus], to fly.
    Lit.: ex alto... laeva volavit avis, Enn. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 48, 107 (Ann. v. 95 Vahl.):


    Lucr. 6, 742:


    id. 4, 1010:


    id. 2, 822:

    altam supra volat ardea nubem,

    Verg. G. 1, 364:

    volat ille per aëra magnum Remigio alarum,

    id. A. 1, 300:

    columbae venere volantes,

    id. ib. 6, 191; Prop. 2, 30 (3, 28), 30; Juv. 8, 251:


    Ov. A. A. 1, 96; cf. Plin. 10, 38, 54, § 112:

    volasse eum (Antonium), non iter fecisse diceres,

    Cic. Phil. 10, 5, 11.—Prov.:

    sine pennis volare haud facile est,

    Plaut. Poen. 4, 2, 49.—
    P. a. as subst.: vŏlantes, ĭum, comm., the birds ( poet.), Lucr. 2, 1083; Verg. A. 6, 239; 6, 728.—
    Transf., to fly, i. e. to move swiftly like one flying, to fleet, speed, hasten along:

    i sane... vola curriculo,

    Plaut. Pers. 2, 2, 17; cf.:

    per summa levis volat aequora curru,

    Verg. A. 5, 819:

    medios volat ecce per hostes Vectus equo spumante Saces,

    id. ib. 12, 650:

    illa (Argo) volat,

    Ov. H. 6, 66:


    Verg. G. 3, 181:


    id. ib. 3, 107:


    Lucr. 5, 254:


    id. 2, 213:


    id. 6, 612:


    id. 1, 971; cf. Sall. J. 60, 2; Verg. A. 9, 698; Liv. 26, 44, 7 al.:

    litterae Capuam ad Pompeium volare dicebantur,

    Cic. Att. 2, 19, 3:

    volat aetas,

    id. Tusc. 1, 31, 76:


    Sen. Hippol. 1141:


    Verg. A. 3, 121:

    et semel emissum volat irrevocabile verbum,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 71.— Poet., with inf.:

    ast Erebi virgo ditem volat aethere Memphim Praecipere et Phariā venientem pellere terrā,

    Val. Fl. 4, 407.
    vŏlo, ōnis, m. [1. volo], a volunteer, first applied to the slaves who, after the battle at Cannæ, were enrolled upon their own expressed desire to serve (cf. Liv. 22, 57, 11; Val. Max. 7, 6, 1):

    volones dicti sunt milites, qui post Cannensem cladem usque ad octo milia, cum essent servi, voluntarie se ad militiam obtulere,

    Paul. Diac. p. 370:

    volones, quia sponte hoc voluerunt, appellati,

    Macr. S. 1, 11, 30:

    vetus miles tironi, liber voloni sese exaequari sineret,

    Liv. 23, 35, 6; 23, 32, 1; Capitol. Anton. Phil. 21, 6; Macr. S. 1, 11, 30.

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  • 5 γινώσκω

    γινώσκω (in the form γιγνώσκω [s. below] since Homer; γιν. in Attic ins in Meisterhans3-Schw. index, from 325 B.C.; in pap fr. 277 B.C. [Mayser 165]; likew. LXX, pseudepigr., Philo, Joseph., apolog.) impf. ἐγίνωσκον; fut. γνώσομαι; 2 aor. ἔγνων, impv. γνῶθι, γνώτω, subj. 1 sg. γνῶ and 3 sg. γνῶ (γνοῖ Mk 5:43; 9:30; Lk 19:15; Hm 4, 1, 5; B-D-F §95, 2; W-S. §13, 22; Mlt-H. 83; Rob. 1214); 2 sg. γνώσῃς (TestAbr A 8 p. 86, 5 [Stone p. 20]); opt. 1 sg. γνῴην; 3 sg. γνοίη Job 23:3, 5; inf. γνῶναι, ptc. γνούς; pf. ἔγνωκα, 3 pl. ἔγνωκαν J 17:7 (W-S. §13, 15 n. 15); plpf. ἐγνώκειν. Pass.: 1 fut. γνωσθήσομαι; 1 aor. ἐγνώσθην; pf. ἔγνωσμαι. (On the spellings γινώσκειν and γιγνώσκειν s. W-S. §5, 31; B-D-F §34, 4; Mlt-H. 108.) This verb is variously nuanced in contexts relating to familiarity acquired through experience or association with pers. or thing.
    to arrive at a knowledge of someone or someth., know, know about, make acquaintance of
    w. acc. of thing: mysteries (Wsd 2:22; En 104:12) Mt 13:11; Mk 4:11 v.l.; Lk 8:10; will of the Master (Just., D. 123, 4) 12:47f; that which brings peace 19:42; truth (Jos., Ant. 13, 291) J 8:32; times Ac 1:7; sin Ro 7:7; affection 2 Cor 2:4; spirit of truth J 14:17; way of righteousness 2 Pt 2:21 P72; God’s glory 1 Cl 61:1.—Abs. γνόντες (Is 26:11) when they had ascertained it Mk 6:38; ἐκ μέρους γ. know fragmentarily, only in part 1 Cor 13:9, 12.—W. prep. γ. τι ἔκ τινος (X., Cyr. 1, 6, 45; Jos., Vi. 364) know a thing by someth. (Diod S 17, 101, 6): a tree by its fruit Mt 12:33; Lk 6:44; 1J 4:6; γ. τι ἔν τινι (Sir 4:24; 26:9) 1J 4:2. Also γ. τι κατά τι (Gen 15:8): κατὰ τί γνώσομαι τοῦτο; by what (= how) shall I know this? Lk 1:18.
    w. personal obj. (Plut., Mor. 69c ἄνδρα τοιοῦτον οὐκ ἔγνωμεν; Did., Gen. 45, 24 evil powers): God (Ael. Aristid. 52, 2 K.=28 p. 551 D.: γ. τὸν θεόν; Herm. Wr. 1, 3; 10, 19a; Sallust. 18, 3 p. 34, 9 θεούς; 1 Km 2:10; 3:7; 1 Ch 28:9; 3 Macc 7:6; PsSol 2:31; Da 11:32 Theod.; Philo, Ebr. 45; Ar. 15, 3; Just., D. 14, 12; Orig., C. Cels. 6, 66, 26f) J 14:7ab; 17:3, 25; Ro 1:21; Gal 4:9; 1J 2:3, 13; 3:1, 6; 4:6ff; 5:20 (for 1J s. M-EBoismard, RB 56, ’49, 365–91); PtK 2. Jesus Christ J 14:7; 17:3; 2 Cor 5:16 ( even though we have known Christ [irrealis, ‘contrary to fact’, is also prob.=even if we had known; cp. Gal 5:11], we now no longer know him; on this pass. s. κατά B7a; σάρξ 5); 1J 2:3f (Just., D. 28, 3). τινὰ ἔν τινι someone by someth. (Ps 47:4; Sir 11:28; TestNapht 3:4) Lk 24:35.
    w. ὅτι foll. (BGU 824, 8; Philo, Det. Pot. Ins. 22) Mt 25:24; J 6:69; 7:26; 8:52; 14:20, 31; 17:7f, 25; 19:4. W. ὅθεν preceding by this one knows (EpJer 22) 1J 2:18. ἐν τούτῳ (Gen 42:33; Ex 7:17; Josh 3:10 al.) J 13:35; 1J 2:3, 5; 4:13; 5:2. W. combination of two constr. ἐν τούτῳ γινώσκομεν ὅτι μένει ἐν ἡμῖν, ἐκ τοῦ πνεύματος by this we know that (Jesus Christ) remains in us, namely by the spirit 3:24; cp. 4:13. W. an indir. question foll. (1 Km 14:38: 25:17; 2 Km 18:29; Ps 38:5) Mt 12:7; J 7:51. W. combination of two questions (double interrogative) ἵνα γνοῖ τίς τί διεπραγματεύσατο that he might know what each one had gained in his dealings Lk 19:15.
    to acquire information through some means, learn (of), ascertain, find out
    w. acc. as obj. (1 Km 21:3; 1 Ch 21:2; 4 Macc 4:4) τοῦτο (1 Km 20:3) Mk 5:43. τὰ γενόμενα what has happened Lk 24:18. τὸ ἀσφαλές Ac 21:34; 22:30. τὰ περὶ ἡμῶν our situation Col 4:8; your faith 1 Th 3:5. Pass. become known to someone w. or without dat. of the pers. who is informed: of secret things Mt 10:26; Lk 8:17; 12:2. Of plots Ac 9:24 (cp. 1 Macc 6:3; 7:3, 30 al.).
    w. ὅτι foll. (PGiss 11, 4 [118 A.D.] γεινώσκειν σε θέλω ὅτι; 1 Esdr 2:17; Ruth 3:14) J 4:1; 5:6; 12:9; Ac 24:11 v.l.
    abs. (1 Km 14:29; 3 Km 1:11; Tob 8:12 al.) μηδεὶς γινωσκέτω nobody is to know of this Mt 9:30. ἵνα τις γνοῖ that anyone should obtain knowledge of it Mk 9:30.
    γ. ἀπό τινος ascertain fr. someone 15:45.
    to grasp the significance or meaning of someth., understand, comprehend
    w. acc. foll. (Sir 1:6; 18:28; Wsd 5:7 v.l.; 9:13; Bar 3:9 al.; Just., A I, 63, 5; D. 68, 1 σκληροκάρδιοι πρὸς τὸ γνῶναι νοῦν … τοῦ θεοῦ): parables Mk 4:13; what was said Lk 18:34; (w. ἀναγινώσκειν in wordplay) Ac 8:30. ταῦτα J 3:10; 12:16; what one says J 8:43; God’s wisdom 1 Cor 2:8; the nature of God vs. 11; the nature of the divine spirit vs. 14; the love of Christ Eph 3:19 (s. γνῶσις 1); God’s ways Hb 3:10 (Ps 94:10); τὸν νόμον know the law J 7:49; Ro 7:1 (here perh.=have the law at one’s fingertips, cp. Menand., Sicyonius 138f, τῶν τοὺς νόμους εἰδότων; Just., D. 123, 2). πῶς οὖν [ταῦτα γιγν]ώ̣σκομεν; how then shall we know these things? Ox 1081, 25f (=SJCh 90, 1f), as read by Till p. 220 app.
    abs. Mt 24:39.
    w. ὅτι foll. (Wsd 10:12; EpJer 64; 1 Macc 6:13; 7:42; 2 Macc 7:28 al.) Mt 21:45; 24:32; Mk 12:12; 13:28f; Lk 21:30f; J 4:53; 8:27f; 2 Cor 13:6; Js 2:20.
    w. indir. question foll. (Job 19:29) J 10:6; 13:12, 28.
    to be aware of someth., perceive, notice, realize
    w. acc.: their wickedness Mt 22:18; γ. δύναμιν ἐξεληλυθυῖαν that power had gone out Lk 8:46 (on the constr. w. the ptc. cp. PHamb 27, 13 [III B.C.]; BGU 1078 [I A.D.] γίνωσκε ἡγεμόνα εἰσεληλυθότα; POxy 1118, 7; Jos., Ant. 17, 342; Just., D. 39, 2 al.).
    abs. (Ex 22:9; 1 Km 26:12) Mt 16:8; 26:10; Mk 7:24; 8:17.
    w. ὅτι foll. (Gen 3:7; 8:11; 1 Macc 1:5 al.): ἔγνω τῷ σώματι ὅτι ἴαται she felt in her body that she was healed Mk 5:29; cp. 15:10; J 6:15; 16:19; Ac 23:6.
    to have sexual intercourse with, have sex/marital relations with, euphemistic ext. of 1 (Menand., Fgm. 558, 5 Kock; Heraclid. Lembus, Pol. 64 [Aristot., Fgm. ed. VRose 1886, 383]; oft. in Plut. and other later authors, and LXX [Anz 306]) w. acc., said of a man as agent (Gen 4:1, 17; 1 Km 1:19; Jdth 16:22; ApcMos 4; Did., Gen. 143, 9) Mt 1:25 (in connection w. the topic of 1:25f see Plut., Mor. 717e; Olympiodorus, Vi. Plat. 1 [Westermann, 1850]: φάσμα Ἀπολλωνιακὸν συνεγένετο τῇ μητρὶ αὐτοῦ τῇ Περικτιόνῃ καὶ ἐν νυκτὶ φανὲν τῷ Ἀρίστωνι ἐκέλευσεν αὐτῷ μὴ μιγνύναι τῇ Περικτιόνῃ μέχρι τ. χρόνου τῆς ἀποτέξεως. Ὁ δʼ οὕτω πεποίηκεν: ‘an apparition of Apollo had relations with [Plato’s] mother Perictione, and in a nocturnal appearance to Ariston [Plato’s father] ordered him not to have intercourse w. P. until the time of her parturition. So he acted accordingly.’—The legend of Plato’s birth is traceable to Plato’s nephew Speusippus [Diog. L. 3:2; Jerome, Adv. Iovin. 1, 42]); of a woman (Judg 11:39; 21:12; Theodor. Prodr. 9, 486 H.) Lk 1:34 (DHaugg, D. erste bibl. Marienwort ’38; FGrant, JBL 59, ’40, 19f; HSahlin, D. Messias u. d. Gottesvolk, ’45, 117–20).
    to have come to the knowledge of, have come to know, know (Nägeli 40 w. exx.)
    w. acc.
    α. of thing (Bar 3:20, 23; Jdth 8:29; Bel 35; Just., D. 110, 1 καὶ τοῦτο γ.): τὴν ποσότητα 1 Cl 35:3; hearts (Ps 43:22) Lk 16:15; will Ro 2:18; truth (Just., D. 139, 5; Tat. 13, 1) 2J 1; 2 Cor 5:21; grace 8:9; πάντα (2 Km 14:20; Just., D. 127, 2) 1J 3:20. τὶ 1 Cor 8:2a. W. object clause preceding: ὸ̔ κατεργάζομαι οὐ γ. what I am accomplishing I really do not know Ro 7:15 (here γ. almost=desire, want, decide [Polyb. 5, 82, 1; Plut., Lycurg. 41[3, 9] ἔγνω φυγεῖν; Appian, Syr. 5 §18; Arrian, Anab. 2, 21, 8; 2, 25, 8; Paradox. Vat. 46 Keller ὅ τι ἂν γνῶσιν αἱ γυναῖκες; Jos., Ant. 1, 195; 14, 352; 16, 331]; mngs. 3 understand and 7 recognize are also prob.). W. attraction of the relative ἐν ὥρᾳ ᾗ οὐ γ. at an hour unknown to him Mt 24:50; Lk 12:46. W. acc. and ptc. (on the constr. s. 4a above) τὴν πόλιν νεωκόρον οὖσαν that the city is guardian of the temple Ac 19:35.
    β. of pers. know someone (Tob 5:2; 7:4; Is 1:3) J 1:48; 2:24; 10:14f, 27; Ac 19:15; 2 Ti 2:19 (Num 16:5); Ox 1 recto, 14 (GTh 31). W. acc. and ptc. (s. α above, end and e.g. Just., A I, 19, 6) Hb 13:23.
    w. acc. and inf. (Da 4:17; Just., D. 130, 2 al.) Hb 10:34.
    w. ὅτι foll. (Sir 23:19; Bar 2:30; Tob 3:14) J 21:17; Ac 20:34; Phil 1:12; Js 1:3; 2 Pt 1:20; 3:3; γ. τοὺς διαλογισμοὺς ὅτι εἰσὶν μάταιοι he knows that the thoughts are vain 1 Cor 3:20 (Ps 93:11).—Oft. γινώσκετε, ὅτι you may be quite sure that Mt 24:33, 43; Mk 13:28f; Lk 10:11; 12:39; 21:31; J 15:18; 1J 2:29 (cp. UPZ 62, 32 [161 B.C.] γίνωσκε σαφῶς ὅτι πρός σε οὐ μὴ ἐπέλθω; 70, 14; 3 Macc 7:9; Judg 4:9; Job 36:5; Pr 24:12). In τοῦτο ἴστε γινώσκοντες, ὅτι Eph 5:5 the question is whether the two verbs are to be separated or not. In the latter case, one could point to Sym. Jer 49:22 ἴστε γινώσκοντες and 1 Km 20:3.
    w. indir. question (Gen 21:26; 1 Km 22:3; Eccl 11:5; 2 Macc 14:32; Just., A I, 63, 3 τί πατὴρ καὶ τί υἱός) Lk 7:39; 10:22; J 2:25; 11:57.
    w. adv. modifier γ. Ἑλληνιστί understand Greek Ac 21:37 (cp. X., Cyr. 7, 5; 31 ἐπίστασθαι Συριστί).
    abs. (Gen 4:9; 18:21; 4 Km 2:3; Sir 32:8) Lk 2:43. τί ἐγὼ γινώσκω; how should I know? Hs 9, 9, 1.
    to indicate that one does know, acknowledge, recognize as that which one is or claims to be τινά (Plut., Ages. 597 [3, 1]; Jos., Ant. 5, 112) οὐδέποτε ἔγνων ὑμᾶς I have never recognized you Mt 7:23; cp. J 1:10. ἐὰν γνωσθῇ πλέον τ. ἐπισκόπου if he receives more recognition than the supervisor (bishop) IPol 5:2. Of God as subject recognize someone as belonging to God, choose, almost= elect (Am 3:2; Hos 12:1; SibOr 5, 330) 1 Cor 8:3; Gal 4:9. In these pass. the γ. of God directed toward human beings is conceived of as the basis of and condition for their coming to know God; cp. the language of the Pythagoreans in HSchenkl, Wiener Studien 8, 1886 p. 265, no. 9 βούλει γνωσθῆναι θεοῖς• ἀγνοήθητι μάλιστα ἀνθρώποις; p. 277 no. 92 σοφὸς ἄνθρωπος κ. θεὸν σεβόμενος γινώσκεται ὑπὸ τ. θεοῦ; Porphyr., ad Marcellam 13 σοφὸς ἄνθρωπος γινώσκεται ὑπὸ θεοῦ; Herm. Wr. 1, 31 θεός, ὸ̔ς γνωσθῆναι βούλεται καὶ γινώσκεται τοῖς ἰδίοις; 10, 15 οὐ γὰρ ἀγνοεῖ τὸν ἄνθρωπον ὁ θεός, ἀλλὰ καὶ πάνυ γνωρίζει καὶ θέλει γνωρίζεσθαι. S. Rtzst., Mysterienrel.3 299f; Ltzm. on 1 Cor 8:3; RAC XI 446–659.—On the whole word: BSnell, D. Ausdrücke für die Begriffe des Wissens in d. vorplatonischen Philosophie 1924; EBaumann, ידע u. seine Derivate: ZAW 28, 1908, 22ff; 110ff; WBousset, Gnosis: Pauly-W. VII 1912, 1503ff; Rtzst., Mysterienrel.3 66–70; 284–308; PThomson, ‘Know’ in the NT: Exp. 9th ser. III, 1925, 379–82; AFridrichsen, Gnosis (Paul): ELehmann Festschr. 1927, 85–109; RPope, Faith and Knowledge in Pauline and Johannine Thought: ET 41, 1930, 421–27; RBultmann, TW I ’33, 688–715; HJonas, Gnosis u. spätantiker Geist I ’34; 2’55; EPrucker, Gnosis Theou ’37; JDupont, La Connaissance religieuse dans les Épîtres de Saint Paul, ’49; LBouyer, Gnosis: Le Sens orthodoxe de l’expression jusqu’aux pères Alexandrins: JTS n.s. 4, ’53, 188–203; WDavies, Knowledge in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Mt 11:25–30: HTR 46, ’53, 113–39; WSchmithals, D. Gnosis in Kor. ’55, 3’69; MMagnusson, Der Begriff ‘Verstehen’ (esp. in Paul), ’55; RCasey, Gnosis, Gnosticism and the NT: CDodd Festschr., ’56, 52–80; IdelaPotterie, οἶδα et γινώσκω (4th Gosp.), Biblica 40, ’59, 709–25; H-JSchoeps, Urgemeinde, Judenchristentum, Gnosis ’56; EKäsemann, Das Wandernde Gottesvolk (Hb)2, ’57; HJonas, The Gnostic Religion, ’58; JDupont, Gnosis, ’60; UWilckens, Weisheit u. Torheit ( 1 Cor 1 and 2) ’59; DGeorgi, Die Gegner des Pls im 2 Cor, ’64; DScholer, Nag Hammadi Bibliography, 1948–69, ’71.—B. 1209f. DELG s.v. γιγνώσκω. EDNT. M-M. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > γινώσκω

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